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Old 31st August 2023, 11:10 AM
davcol davcol is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: berwick

Originally Posted by gag View Post
I use to like Brookside in it’s day, but was good 10 yrs before I even started watching it, when Brookside first started ch4 was still relatively new(ish) and it was at least 5yrs before we got it around our area, and I didn’t watch it for a while and when I did I just dipped in and out before fully watching it, by then it had been going at least 10yrs,
I can remember there was a nightclub in Blackburn called the millennium, every now and again they would get special guest etc, one time few friends and me decided to go and the guest ended up being at least 5 of the cast from Brookside, Sinbad, Max Farnham, Mick Johnson and can’t remember the rest.
Like yourself i didn't watch the early years because of my age (born in 78). My gran was a fan and I have vague memories watching it with her. I started watching it regular in 92 until about 2000. I remember the body under the patio, the Simpson families incest problem, the religious suicide cult ect, ect.
To my mind it was better when it was more grounded in reality but even so it can't have been much worse than our surviving soaps.
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