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Old 14th September 2023, 01:53 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
No I fully understand that neither of my recent interactions were gatekeeping, just me getting flustered because no-one usually says anything to anyone these days and I have forgotten how to do basic human interactions That's not to say that there AREN'T gatekeepers out there, they're prevalent in the metal community, there always has been, and yet again, I agree, no-one is going to be coming and checking that I know the band I have across my shirt, it's quite clear that I do

This all stems from the likes of Primark and H&M selling licensed band tees to people who have no idea who the bands are, kids with Ramones t-shirts on for example.

That guy in Lidl was very excited that he saw someone with an Ulver shirt on, I was just a prat because I forgot how to speak to another person in a normal fashion
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