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Old 23rd September 2023, 10:13 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Silent Running. 1972.

Bruce Dern stars as Freeman Lowell, a futuristic Park Ranger minding Earth's last forests, sealed in gigantic domes aboard an equally gigantic freighter in space. When ordered to destroy the domes and return home, Lowell is forced to choose between his crewmates and his beloved forests.

This can be a bittersweet film that has heart and sadness in it. It is centred around a great performance by Dern gives an intense, committed performance, made even more impressive because he had to work around for a majority of the film. Director Douglas Turnbull was also able to give the three drones plenty of personality and makes you care for them, from their looks to each other, there body language and actions.

Silent Running is a very politically minded film about its themes about environmentalism, deforestation and protecting natural landscapes. The film through Lowell does become very preachy and forceful with his viewpoint, but that is compared to an attitude of apathy and not seeing a real problem on Earth.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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