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Old 6th October 2023, 10:20 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days of Unseen Horror

Day 5


Hearing of the arrival of Edgar Allen Poe in London a journalist for a newspaper tracks him down hoping to secure an interview but things get off to a bad start when the journalist straight away starts to down play his writings as fantasy but Mr Poe insists his works are based in reality and truth. While acting cocky and boasting about his own bravery when it comes to things of the supernatural the journalist is offered a wager to test his claims one which his own pride won't allow him refuse. For 100 pounds he must stay the night in a country manor a two hour coach ride away and survive the night something which has never been done before. Mr Poe pushes the idea by agreeing to go for the journey and give the interview the journalist has longed for so in his mind it's a win win an interview a chance to show his bravery and a 100 pounds to sweeten the deal. No one is making a wager like that without confidence that they won't have to pay out so our journalist friend is going to be in for an interesting night.

Castle of Blood is a fantastic film it has it all a great story an unforgettable creepy atmosphere and the manor looks so dark and gloomy but in a beautiful way. This is more than just a creepy tale there is also a very heavy feeling of sadness loss and loneliness a longing to find a feeling of happiness even if just for one night which makes the story that more tragic. On the surface of it you may think it's just an old dark house film but their are many layers to this and while fun it's also a bit depressing when you sit back afterwards and think of what you have just watched but that's was makes it so beautiful yes there is that word again but that's the perfect word to sum up my feelings about this.

Everything you want from this type of film and if you dig a little deeper there is more and that's what will make Castle of Blood stick with you.

I'm vague in giving details but it's better to go in without knowing too much you will be thankful.
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