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Old 6th October 2023, 09:31 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days of Unseen Horror

Day 6


In the small English village of Midwich a very mysterious thing happens when the entire village including animals fall into a deep sleep for several hours. Things gets even stranger when a couple of months later every woman in the village capable of having a child becomes pregnant even those who have never even slept with a man. As if both of those things were not weird enough the unborn children are growing at a faster rate than regular unborn children and once they are born their progression keeps going way ahead of time physically and mentally plus all the children have the same hair and crazy glowing eyes and the people are sacred out of their wits.

What a fantastic opening this film has with all the villagers laying all over the place cars are crashed chores abandoned farm animals flat out in the fields but it's the silence that gets you and it's an eerie silence that speaks a thousand words. The children are amazing even tho most of them just stand their staring at people they do a great job of making you feel uncomfortable and they make you more and more uncomfortable as the film goes on as they grow in power and their actions become more and more sinister it really is a great performance from such young kids.

Village of the Damned is quite a dark film as I said the kids get more brutal as they grow in power I mean that shotgun scene was so effective and shocking not something I was expecting from this at all then again the whole film was nothing like I expected it to be it's much much darker than I could of imagined. One other scene that I found quite powerful was when the teenage girl discovered she was pregnant the fear confusion and shock on her face really made you feel for her just sheer panic.

From a comedy point of view there was one great scene that really made me laugh where all the men from the village are standing in the pub in complete silence stairing into their pints in disbelief that all the women were pregnant

Wonderfully acted great story and much darker than I expected a brilliant film.
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