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Old 10th October 2023, 05:51 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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The Beyond. 1981.

The film starts in flashback to 1927, Louisiana, the Seven Doors Hotel. A mob is convinced an artist is a warlock, so they crucify him, opening one of the Seven Doors of Death — allowing the dead into our world. Coincidentally, Liza our heroine from New York City, inherits the hotel in 1981 and her renovations reopen the door.

The make up effects are one of the main attractions. Despite the low budget, Giannetto De Rossi did some spectacular effects for this. The effects were done with flair and flamboyance. Giannetto De Rossi did his best work when working with Fulci. The effects for Joe the plumber are very good. The best effects is the scene where the young girl gets a chunk of her skull blown off.

The cinematography is spliced with atmosphere and style. Sergio Salvati gives the film its gothic flavour. The night shots are wonderful and the cinematography is flowing with grace. The music is my favourite horror score. Fabio Frizzi performs a score that fits perfectly with the visuals. A great classic Fulci movie that can never be ignored for October time.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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