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Old 15th October 2023, 02:23 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days of Unseen Horror

Day 14


After a Priest is brutally murdered in France a whole string of other deaths within the church happen all across Europe. Sister Irene is asked by the churche to go and investigate theses strange deaths as she is the only one that has faced evil before and destroyed it or has she.

I wasn't a fan of the first Nun film it started out great but soon went back to the jump scares which I can't stand so I lost interest and I was pretty disappointed with the strong start it had so I didn't have much high hopes for this. Just like the first one The Nun II gets off to a strong start it has the creepy look and some great death scenes and plenty of tension but I expected that to fade just like the first film but luckily it didnt and The Nun II seemed to have learned from the mistakes of the previous entry. The jump scares were definitely a lot less and this time around they relied more of what was lurking in the shadows and sounds rather than something jumping at the screen every two seconds. Obviously with a film about nuns and the church there was plenty of religious imagery old statues stained glass windows depicting things you wouldn't normally see in a church and an old abandoned wing of the chrurch with the old creepy bell tower it all looks great and keeps that creepy atmosphere going strong.

The Nun II isn't a bad film but it isn't a great film it's definitely interesting and watchable there is a fantastic goat scene which will definitely stick with me for how fantastic it looked. There is nothing new here but it was a vast improvement on the first entry I'm sure the series will continue for better or worse only time will tell.
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