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Old 18th October 2023, 09:51 AM
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Default Round-up AGAIN

I'm so shit at this Here's another round-up post!

Fri 13th Oct
Freddy Vs Jason (2003)

Honestly, why did I do this to myself, it literally ranks dead last in my Jason rankings. Oh, I know why, it's because you lot were all banging on about how much you enjoyed it haha. I do like some bits (cornfield rave and the stealing the dream drug from the hospital), not many, and I hate the teenage cast members. That dude at the beginning being like bitch, now, don't make me ask twice... I was thinking ugh I hate that guy so thankfully he meets his demise very quickly. UGH.

Sat 14th Oct
Satan's Blood (1978)

Spanish horror films are unlike any other films, they are off the charts. Like who in the right mind thinks, when meeting a total stranger on the street, well he says he knows me from school so I guess I can follow him an hour out of the city down some dodgy looking dirt tracks to his Satanic Cult Mansion because his wife did say, don't worry we have some wine and cheese. Sure... Boobs and dicks ahoy I liked it

Sat 14th Oct
Zombi Holocaust (1980)

Well I guess it's OK, didn't really get the story. Mad doctor (butcher) in the jungle experimenting on natives, but in the next scene the natives have kidnapped the lead lady and painted daisies on her. People die, get bits chopped off, get munched on, then the zombies come and kill the natives, then the zombies get blown up. Also a room of upside down tribes people, literally a row of dicks because of the camera angle, boy I've chosen them this week Didn't love it, but not terrible.

Sun 15th Oct
Stephen King on Screen (2023)

I saw this in the shop on Bluray and I was going to buy it, then I checked online and I could rent a stream for 99p so did that and I'm glad I did because I wont watch it again. Basically this is a bunch of guys who have directed a film based of Stephen King. Frank Darabont, Mick Garris, Mike Flannigan etc there are loads of them, and they all have interesting stories to tell about King. However, the editing is awful, clips with dialogue are played over the interviewees talking, and the background music was so loud all of the way through. I liked it, but as I said a one time watch.

Mon 16th Oct
The Stalls of Barchester (1971) & Lost Hearts (1973)

Yes, I know it's not Christmas, but nether of these two stories, and in fact Lost Hearts takes place in October! I was planning to watch my new Bluray remaster of these last Christmas when it came out, I was so excited, I was taking it with me to Edinburgh where I was staying for 3 weeks, only when I got on the train I remembered that I had left it on the table, next to my house keys so I wouldn't forget it

Anyway, you've all seen these, they are spooky and scary and very atmospheric, highly recommended.

Tue 17th Oct
Damien: Omen II (1978)

One of those films I've seen a few times but can never remember what happens apart from some of the key death scenes, like the crow lady and the horrific trapped under ice man. Turns out that it's actually a bit boring, has no tension and is not remotely scary. I did like Damien freaking out after reading the bible and knowing instantly that he has to look for the mark of the devil on his head and finding it I've never seen the 3rd film, which I'm going to watch soon, but not until after the rest of October is finished!

Triumphant sight on a northern sky

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