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Old 22nd October 2023, 07:31 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Day Of The Dead. 1985.

A team of civilian scientists and a loose army unit clash with each other's motives after they have taken shelter at an underground military base from the hordes of living dead that storm the surface above. The civilian scientists aren't seeking to eradicate the zombies like the soldiers are hell-bent on doing, but are instead trying to get to the bottom of what is causing them to be what they are.

Granted that this movie is from 1985, so the special effects and zombie make-up is a bit outdated by today's standards. But it still works fine though, and the effects are still believable. But in the Romero movies it is not the special effects that drive the movie, it is the story and the characters, the special effects just help to progress the story and add a visual imagery to the dying world.

There is evidence of the dead developing conscious rather than instinctive will in the character of the zombie named Bub. The film's central location, a large underground mine, is plenty claustrophobic and serves as another storyline decision. NIGHT had a strong black character, DAWN had a strong black and a strong female character; this outing has a fiercely independent white woman who isn't obsessed with the plays for dominance the male characters engage in. This is one film in the Romero Zombie films that I couldn't take to but it has really grown on me.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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