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Old 23rd October 2023, 05:01 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days of Unseen Horror

Day 23


Three female reporters head out on an assignment to cover a Danish emigrants parade but when they get there their room was double booked and in a small town with such a big attraction there isnt a hope in hell they will find another room even in the neighbouring county. Enter the owner of a local museum Ernest who offers to help the three pretty ladies by letting them stay in his massive house with his wife but there is always a catch because something lurks I. The basement.

The Unseen is a decent suspenseful little horror it has a slow pace but Ernest helps move it along nicely at first you think he is just an overly friendly oaf but soon you see a darker side to him especially with the way he treats his poor wife who you can tell has suffered years of abuse from him she is broken and worn down. One by one terrible things start to happen to the girls but the big reveal is not as horrific as I thought it would be it was pretty sad actually which honestly killed my buzz for the film it just gives the whole thing a totally different feeling the ending is a real downer very meloncolic.

A decent watch but that ending is a bit too sad for me.
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