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Old 9th December 2023, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post
CHERRY TREE – I love it when high stakes supernatural events that threaten the whole of humankind play out down the road, where there are cul-de-sacs and dogwalkers and people who go to their nondescript PE teacher-type jobs. The mundane backdrop for ‘Cherry Tree’s supernatural antics is some English / Irish backwater (never clear where exactly), and the PE teacher in question is a witch who wants to entice one of her pupils into a Satanic pregnancy. ‘Cherry Tree’ at first struck me as a bit blunt, a bit clunky, with a shopworn visual style that seemed dated for its 2015 ‘vintage’. But then it got weirdly carried away with itself and pulled out a load of pulpy shit that wouldn’t seem out of place in a late eighties Italian genre flick by way of Hong Kong (read – cellars full of candles, nicely lit zombies, and countless shots of revolting flesh eating centipedes burrowing in and out of writhing bodies). Enjoyable trash that was a pleasure to revisit, especially given my initial inability to recall anything about it. From the makers of the comparatively prim and proper ‘Wake Wood’.
One of the best Irish / British horror films of the past decade. I really like it.

Best not get it confused with the formulaic British home invasion film Cherry Tree Lane
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