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Old 9th December 2023, 09:40 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
Cult Veteran
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

Dark Age (1987, Arch Nicholson)

John Jarratt stars in this semi Jaws style animal caper.
An ancient croc is stirred from hibernation by poachers. Mayhem ensues. Always wanted to see this after seeing the trailer on some vhs cough. Time might not have been kind to the dialogue, but you get Alf Ramsay sporting a moustache so it balances out
Ahem. Fun was had.

House Of Frankenstein (1944, Erle C. Kenton)

Switching gears a tad, we revisit this old comfort blanket. You get a mini Dracula short, then some Wolf Man action, then old square head wakes up and saves the day cough didn't see that coming harumph.

Miracles (1989, Jackie Chan)

Bask in all its silly glory.
JC stars as a man who is placed in a dangerous postion, but it's ok, a few mad stunts later and he's on top of things.
Somewhat sentimental in tone, this is a showcase for the all round good guy persona that he worked so diligently during this period.
A set piece set in a rope factory presents a man at the top of his game.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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