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Old 17th December 2023, 10:09 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

A woman goes to a small down seaside town searching for her father who she hasn't seen in years but only communicates with letters she has become more and more worried of how bizarre the letters have become. As soon as she arrives it's obvious this place is not right the streets are more or less empty and anyone she does encounter barely acknowledges her especially when she mentions her father's name.

Messiah of Evil is a pure nightmare it's emptiness gives you a feeling of loneliness and the house scenes give you the feeling that you are trapped and you need to get out but something is keeping you there. The use of art on the walls of the house creates a feeling that you are constantly been observed even in the bathroom it's like an audience watching you have a bath. Outside not only is the empty town haunting but the dark beauty of the sea the waves crashing on a desolate beach surrounded by beautiful but imposing cliffs that while feels quite idyllic it always adds to the feeling of being trapped.

The use of lighting is absolutely astonishing every single scene it's pure art not only at night when the colours really pop but how the day time scenes are shot gives you a false sense of beauty the town has that clean look that anyone would want to live in but you know it's hiding a horrible secret.

As always with me a soundtrack is so important and Messiah of Evil doesn't disappoint it's a very heavy synth soundtrack which is the perfect blend of beauty and horror.

Messiah of Evil for me is more of a feeling than an understanding.MV5BNWY3MDc1NDAtMWY0Yy00NDNlLTljZjItOWNmZDRmMGVhZmY2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU4ODM5Nw@@._V1_.jpg

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Last edited by Nordicdusk; 17th December 2023 at 02:50 PM.
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