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Old 7th January 2024, 07:50 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

While transporting a truck full of drums of Trioxin a couple of bungling military fools accidently lose some of the drums. Later a couple of kids find one of the drums and as kids do they cant leave things alone and manage to release some of the gas within and they end up unleashing the undead on a unsuspecting town.

While the film is all action right from the get go it's not a patch on the first film which to me is one of the greatest horrors ever. Although we do have the same two from the first film they just don't have the chemistry they did first time around the over the top acting screaming and panicking was the fun and charm of both of them and while they try the same it just feels a little forced and faked.

The undead don't look like undead they look like people on masks and their walking is pretty terrible saying that there are some really fun effects like the legs walking around on their own and then the skin getting steamed off the torso of the same body.

Although entertaining even as a stand alone film not taking the first or the brilliant third film in the series into consideration this isn't one I go back to very often actually rarely ever. TheReturnOfTheLivingDead2.jpg

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