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Old 9th January 2024, 12:28 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Location: Ireland

The Vatican sends their head exorcist to Spain where he must battle a demon who has possessed a small child. Although there are members of the Vatican that are trying to discredit Fr Amorth the pope has faith in him and the demon has asked for Fr Amorth personally. While in Spain it becomes clear the Church are trying to hide something and that's why they are trying so hard to remove him.

This really surprises me I was expecting the usual rubbish possession film but what I got was an interesting take that felt a little different maybe mainly due to Russell Crowes great performance. Fr Amorth is a tough customer but he also has a sense of humour which is another weapon in his arsenal cause they devil hate jokes [emoji23]. Another positive was that they didn't go down the jump scare route I didn't find it creepy I just found it entertaining and interesting that might sound like a negative but its not it just felt natural rather than forcing scares.

Great acting good story nice setting and Russell Crowe riding around on a vespa in red shades F*** YEAH.

Expect nothing you may enjoy this one too.MV5BYTI1NTcxMGYtZDZiYi00NmM3LTgwNjAtNmFkY2FmMjEyMjM5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3MDk2NDg2._V1_.jpg

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