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Old 16th January 2024, 03:44 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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The Rookie. 1990.

Second Clint film viewed in a few days, here he plays a cop...nope not Dirty Harry, but a L.A. cop who is out to get German car dealer Raul Julia and wife, mistresses...or bit on the side with benefits Sonia Braga. After all goes pear shaped, Clint is assigned new partner Charlie Sheen who comes from a wealthy family and defies daddy's demands, both our new partners defy orders and go after the bad guys.

OK so we had a few buddy cop films going on, and then Clint takes a break from Harry and starts up a new cop film where he and his partner are still alive at the end of the film even though battered and bruised.

Raul has always been a legend on screen and can adapt to the roles he was given but every so often he seems to drop the German accent and realises it and brings it back. Charlie boy's character is one who we slowly find out his background and still root for him not to be the spoilt child who can make life his own even though daddy Tom Skerritt tries to pull a fast one. This one I can have a love hate relationship with, yeah it was good, good shootouts, laughs, but times it's where Clint tends to steal the limelight a lot and go a bit OTT with the acting.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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