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Old 23rd January 2024, 05:58 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Superman III. 1983.

Yep it's the Richard Pryor one that has a good comical opening and Superman flying in saving the day while planting a pie in the face of someone. Robert Vaughn is the industrial tycoon wanting everything possible along with his sister Annie Ross and mistress Pamela Stephenson tagging along. Managing a way not to kill Superman but finding a darker side to him and control him seems to work, and a new love interest for Clark from a high school sweetheart that was replaced when Margot Kidder got sidelined to a cameo role.

Not so much everyone's favourite but it does have it's moments of being good, not every film you see Gavan O'Herlihy get drunk and fall off his seat backwards, or a man surviving a good drop off a building in ski's or Annie Ross having a make over done by computer. I know I slated the previous film with the effects but this one has been touched up nicely with picture and sound quality.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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