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Old 26th January 2024, 11:28 AM
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Matches that have a -5 star rating according to Dave Meltzer.

1. Junkyard Dog Vs Moondog Spot
The Wrestling Classic 1985.

On a show that some old wrestling fans may remember, it was a old show that was a PPV that was made in November after Wrestlemania and was never heard of again. It created a one night 16 man tournament where no match went over the 10 minute mark. the match with JYD and Moondog lasted 45 seconds, Moondog dropped JYD, missed a second rope jump, JYD threw in a couple of head butts followed by a standing headbutt which Moondog went down, there was no ref so JYD done his own pin count and won.

Mr. T vs Roddy Piper Boxing Match
Wrestlemania 2

Roddy Piper held a genuine dislike for Mr. T, he didn't like a celebrity outside wrestling who was getting all the shine on the biggest show of the year. WWF decided to capitalise on the heat by creating a boxing match between the two which their feud began at Wrestlemania 1. Fans had paid to see a wrestling match but the main event in New York was a boxing match which some fans weren't happy about. Piper knocked down T who stayed down for 25 seconds, any other boxing match that would be a K.O. but the match continued. In the next round Piper got knocked out the ring and the match continued. In round 4 Piper knocked the ref over, picked T up and body slammed him and gets disqualified.

Hulk Hogan Vs Ultimate Warrior
Halloween Havoc 1998

Certainly the most famous -5 match in history of wrestling, Hulk Hogan was leader of NWO and Eric Bischoff brought in Ultimate Warrior for a re-match and capitalise on the success of Wrestlemania 6 between the two big stars. The match starts off as the same as Wrestlemania 6, the match ponders on and the crowd generally become quiet. Hogan was supposed to throw a fire ball at Warrior as part of the finish, instead it explodes in Hogan's face. The two had to improvise everything on the spot, Hogan's nephew (Kafabe) Horace comes out and hits Warrior while Eric distracted the ref and Hogan gets the win. Warrior said in a interview his best match was with Hogan and his worst match was with Hogan.

Nikoli Volkoff and Iron Sheik Vs The Bushwackers
Heroes Of Wrestling 1999

The worst PPV of all time, a indie show that brought together Wrestlers of yesteryear for one night which slowly transformed into a calamity of a disaster show. there was 8 matches on the card, from the hayday all 4 wrestlers were in their prime but 1999 the wrestlers were showing their age, at one point one wrestler had to hold onto the top ropes for balance, the offence moves were slow and soft and any wrestler can't take a bump. The heels managed to get heat by the crowd at the start with anti USA stuff. The commentary was also meant to be dreadful, the end of the match shows how tired the men are when they really can't move quick.

The Villains Vs The Clown
Triplemania 23.(Mexico)

6 man tag team match, the entrance is worth noticing to be the best with The Clowns making a typical circus entrance, the commentators (English) try and explain that both sides come from big wrestling families and been feuding for decades. There was no real urgency to the start of the match, The Villains however were past the prime and all wearing purple which was not the best look, a clown stopped a pin to get another villain to come in who then kicked the clown in the jewels and gets the winning pin.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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