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Old 26th January 2024, 06:36 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
What are you going to do? Go round your friend's house and stab him 24 times?

I think with this film it's not something that can be sugar coated. Most of them weren't nice people.

One of them murdered his band mate in cold blood, another stabbed a gay man to death in a park whilst Dead, who committed a very graphic suicide, killed cats and hung them by the neck in his room. That's not to mention the church burnings.

The fact the film makes them all seem human (except Vikernes) and you cared for them says a lot for the film itself.
Biceps day and cardio two birds one stone

Yeah they were horrible people involved in these crimes and I can't stand that beautiful buildings were burned down regardless of what religion was associated or how I feel about religion these were breathtaking buildings they should never have been destroyed. I hope me saying that I take it serious doesn't make anyone think I condone rasism sexism homophobia or unwarranted hate these were stupid young men that got caught up in the one upmanship of a very dark scene. I take the music serious and when I say I live it I don't mean all that BS side of it. Varg is quite a mixed up man with his ideology pretty much all over the place he seems more about shock value rather than actually believing in any one thing but there is no denying on my part that his music is superb and the fact these guys were all so young when they made this amazing music I mean what was I doing when I was 16 to 19 well you don't want to know but I wasn't doing anything that creative
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