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Old 28th January 2024, 09:15 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
Attachment 249795

Two military kids are left orphaned after their parents are killed at the funeral their uncle offers them the chance to a small town in Florida to help him with his amusement park. This is a typical small town where everyone knows everyone and news spreads fast about the new arrivals as if its not hard enough to start a new life there are always some that wish to make it harder. Abby attracts the unwanted attention of the gang that more or less runs the town and after constantly rejecting their advances things soon get out of hand.

I have never even heard of this until Dem reviewed it and im so glad he did because i may have missed out on this fun film. The bullying starts out with the usual posturing but it soon take a dark turn James Spader is awesome as a crazy asshole that doesn't take kindly to the word no the rest of the gang are just your typical dumb rednecks blindly following the leader but when they are following a complete nutcase who knows what they are capable of. Make no mistake Abby and her brother Loren are no push overs they may have attracted the attention of the gang but they are no victims and its obvious from the get go that Dutra and his goons have picked on the wrong people this time.

The New Kids is well worth your time and the final showdown in the amusement park was great and a lot more violent than i was expecting and very very satisfying to see how these clowns get dealt with.
This was a Lockdown purchase and I really enjoyed it. I also liked that it was a tit for tat kind of thing. Instead of the bad guys piling it on until the good guys finally snap at the end, they would retaliate immediately.
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