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Old 16th March 2024, 09:21 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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The Beasts Are On The Street. 1978.

A truck crashes into a zoo and releases dangerous animals into a community.

A somewhat 70s disaster film that was made for T.V that does disclose that the animals were under the watchful eye of animal protection...a animal kills a person and very little happens and yet a person kills a animal and everyone goes bat shit crazy...The film does focus on more a lioness looking for her cub who seems to enjoy exploring the open world while a few people try to round up the other animals and avoid being killed. The acting is not the best but you go with it, some good tense moments especially during the hospital scene, yet one person claiming to be in pain, sees a lion and runs out quick....miraculous recovery.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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