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Old 25th May 2024, 09:54 PM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Yeah, despite finding the first two episodes annoying and underwhelming I have continued watching.

Last weeks was an improvement but became a bit schmaltzy at times.

This one was pretty gripping and interesting for the most part, I was reminded of the same stuff as you and also it was heavily indebted to It Follows, wondered if Ruby had an STD.

Like you I wasn't sure if it held up as what was everyone running from?

But best episode so far.
I actually think her and the Doctor are fine when they are given something interesting to work with.

They just need to step up the writing and get some proper monsters involved. At least next week there's a creature even if it looks like the plant from The Mutations (Freakmaker).

MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.
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