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Old 26th May 2024, 08:23 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)

A biting satire done mockumentary style which traces a small town USA beauty contest from the auditions to the glitz and glamour of the finals.

There's a great mix of contestants including Kirsten Dunst performing brilliantly as kind hearted trailer trash against spoilt rich bitch Denise Richards and their respective mothers - the even more of a rich bitch Kirstie Alley and the hilarious alcoholic, beer can fused into her hand following a trailer park fire, Ellen Barkin as Dunst's mother, who proves a great trashy duo along with best friend Allison Janney.

Added to this someone in the town is knocking off all their competition.

Absurdly funny in places - those judges...Jesus Christ? - this was such a refreshing re-watch last night, Drop Dead Gorgeous is a wonderfully ironic, withering look at small town Americana and the lengths some will go to in the struggle of the classes.
Add this film to the makes me feel old column, 25 years old. Also this as a young Amy Adams also.
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