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Old 16th June 2024, 02:55 PM
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Society. 1989.

Here we are, rainy Sunday afternoon, usually some people be watching football, or a nice afternoon flick, nope not me here I am watching Brian Yuzna's Society.

Yuzna known for his collaboration with Stuart Gordon who gave us some good 80s films one being Re-Animator, here we got Billy Warlock a young Beverly Hills teen questioning his life with parents and sister and feels he doesn't belong with them. Every rich family member probably feels like that but in this case young Billy is right though.

There is never a dull moment with this film, ok the acting and dialogue is a bit of a laugh with the deliverance at times, but the shock value is there towards to the end and anyone who has seen this probably know what i'm going on about, talking about fisting someone to the extreme, first rule of fist club, never discuss it, second rule, keep your nails short.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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