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Old 22nd August 2024, 09:15 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

Freddy's Nightmares. (Cont)

Episode 10: The Bride Wore Red.
A groom gets a lesson in monogamy from a stripper while the bride goes out and busts married men after her father cheated on her mother.
(Starring Robert Englund, Diane Franklin, Eddie Driscoll, Katherine Moffat. Director George Kaczender.

Episode 11: Do Dreams Bleed?
A young footballer begins to have dreams of a serial killer and his girlfriend begins to have the same nightmares and try to uncover who the killer is.
(Starring Robert Englund, Damon Martin. Sarah Buxton, Jeff McCarthy. Director Dwight H. Little.

Episode 12: The End Of The World.
A young oman finds the ability to use her dreams to change her past and the C.I.A want to use her to stop a nuclear disaster.
(Starring Robert Englund, Mary Kohnert, George Lazenby, Andrew Prine. Director Jonathan Betuel.

Episode 13: Deadline.
A newspaper editor is given a lifeline to bounce back and sees a headline that he committed suicide and tries to change the outcome.
(Starring Robert Englund, Kimiko Gelman, Aaron Harnick, Timothy Brantley. Director Michael Lange.

Episode 14: Black Tickets.
A young couple looking to elope find themselves in Springwood and cannot escape.
(Starring Robert Englund, Bradd Pitt, Kerry Wall, Karen Hensel. Director George Kaczender.

Episode 15: School Daze.
A student at Springwood High is summoned to the principal's office and begins to have nightmares that may uncover a school secret.
(Starring Robert Englund, Billy Morrissette, Andrew Kraus, James Harper. Director Michael Klein.

After having a few tech difficulties with the WI-Fi i'm back watching these and some people think they can act but can't do anything but still entertaining to a degree.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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