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Old 31st August 2024, 02:48 PM
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SymbioticFunction SymbioticFunction is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Chichester, UK.

French Sleepless arrived last night. The bd does have 2.0 english and french subtitles are optional. First thing that surprised me was that the opening (Italian) credits were against a blue background - my Italian Medusa dvd is long gone so I can't check if that was the same. Despite having just a english dolby surround track option, I'm very pleased with my eleven pounds purchase. There's more detail and colours seem superior to prior versions. Can't wait to properly watch it tomorrow afternoon. Just being able to see it without the print damage on the US option, and it's Spanish clone, makes it worth the purchase (those had occasional horizontal black lines and at one point, von Sydow was briefly shaking around the screen). I will mention any issues with tomorrow's viewing - I'm not forseeing any. Stendhal is also here and I will take a good look at that later on.
PSN user name: suspiria-inferno
Xbox user name: suspiria742952
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