Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs I'm at the half way point of Christopher Golden's The House of Last Resort.
Tommy and Kate, a young American couple move to Sicily where the mans family reside after buying a property in a mayoral scheme to boost the area for one Euro. The only proviso being they spend at least 50,000 Euros on renovating the property.
The first eighty pages are really scene building and what an idyllic scene of rural Italy Golden visualizes. Families and friends all eating out together in the evenings on delicious local seafood and pasta, wine drunk by the gallon and the joy of bringing new life to an old house.
Except that house has a history. A history the Vatican would prefer to keep hidden. The next eighty or so pages delve deeper into the house Tommy and Kate have bought and it all begins to get beautifully creepy especially since the house seems to have a link to nearby catacombs and the reason the locals call the house the house la casa del ultima resorsa.
Hugely enjoyable so far, with it's nice balance between character and plot, i've just finished book one titled September in two evening sessions and begin book two - October - tomorrow night. |
Then you're having a very different reading experience to me my good man. I'm finding it a real slog. Characters I'm not interested in, slow pacing and most frustrating an absolutely absurd plot point early on that is simply ignored. I'll chug away but so far it isn't working for me at all. How you've managed half the book in a day or two I don't know Dem. It's only my ocd with books that means I haven't given up and dropped this into the charity shop over the way already.