Originally Posted by Justin101 When she kills that baby in the miniseries, it's so powerful.
I'm really glad that you've given it another go and are enjoying it. You've actually surpassed me in my rewatch as I got caught up watching The Crown and I'm only up to episode 6 of BSG  |
I have got the first two series of
The Crown on dvd but i've only seen the first. It's good. Margaret's proper hmm well you know. Haha.
I was interested in seeing Matt Smith outside of Doctor Who - it's years since i saw that first series and he hadn't made stuff like Last night in Soho and House of the Dragon or anything at that time. Anyway i thought he was really good as Phillip.
As far as former Doctor Who stars go, his companion Jenna Coleman's series
Victoria was better in my opinion. I have all that including specials on dvd.
Can't always watch horror can we?