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Old 13th February 2025, 09:01 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Cobra Kai: Season 6: Part III

Not going to go into spoilers here but this set of episodes were a fitting finale to the series which I have said on many occasions, the series I didn't want but didn't know I needed.

There were no real cliffhangers with nostalgic flashbacks, I would have put out episodes 11-14 with uploading the fantastic finale episode a week later, let the ending of episode 14 settle and build up the anticipation for the last ever episode.

There are avenues for potential spin offs but nothing to lead into Karate Kid: Legends (I did think that there would be a cameo at the end though)

Overall I remember trying to buy the 1st two seasons on DVD during Lockdown but it was sold out (Ordered Season 1 of The Boys instead, wasn't disappointed by that one) only for it to be back on sale around 30 minutes later. Anyway 2 days later, I was very impressed with what I saw, the nostalgia from one of the earliest Film memories I had when my Mom rented The Karate Kid.

Kreese and Johnny are still some of the earliest film villains I remember and never thought that a series would make me root for Johnny whilst giving the return pop when Martin Kove appeared in the end of Season 1.
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