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Old 21st March 2025, 08:55 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


A mysterious meteorit shower over a farmland is investigated by a small group of scientists when the meteorites release a beam leaving the whole team possessed by an alien race.

This was not a good film right from the credit I left something was off with the sex jazz swinging London sixties music playing but I just laughed at that thinking I was maybe in for a swinging sixties sci fi romp. The music didn't match the tone of the film at all and it didn't take long before it started to grate on me every time there was an action moment or a eureka moment this loud sax started playing it just felt really out of place. The next thing that's very odd is the camera work so many crazy angles close ups and camera filming peoples legs and filming from the floor up it was such an odd choice. 90% of the film is our leading man driving is 1930s car up and down country lanes to and fro to and fro to and fro. When we get to the climax it turns in to Batman the TV series with a really strange almost dance off first fight with added crazy music all we are missing is POW KABOOM KBLAMMO and so on flashing up on the screen. It's all so odd it's not even in a funny way I was sitting here just thinking HOLY BEINGS FROM ANOTHER PLANET BRAIN WASHING PEOPLE INTENT ON THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND BATMAN what's going on. The final scene really made me laugh and wince a little bit a painful wince but an embarrassing wince

The poster is awesome but all is not what it seems.
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