Here's some new details straight from the horses mouth...
Bbfc passed uncut version 74 min 07 sec
Bbfc CONSUMER: Contains strong sex and nudity
There are three extra scenes, which we have inserted onto our version, which are not present on the Severin one, those are:
1. a longer & more revealing scene of Sol, the nun (Mariangela Giordano) touching herself (starting at approx min 14 of the movie)
2. extra and longer lesbian scene between Maria (Marina Hedman) & Sol (Mariangela Giordano)
(59 min 30 sec into the movie)
3. extra lesbian scene between Miriam (Jaqueline Dupre’) & Sol (Mariangela Giordano) (1 hour 9 min and 30 sec into the movie)
Furthermore on our DVD, in the Extras we have:
- Alternate opening
- Aldo's alternate scene
- Bio of Mariangela Giordano adapted from Alan Jones & Mark Ashworth"