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Old 20th April 2010, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Roughale View Post
Crazies has a few problems:

- If you watch it as stand-alone film, without regarding who made it and what thoughline you can clearly see develop (the one that gave us Dawn of the Dead), the film may disappoint you. But within the whole contexct, I think it is a nice little film, with some good ideas and an absolutely in-the-face ending!

- If you expect a full budget horror movie, you will be disappointed all the way, it has a very limited budget and it is also not really horror, art least not in the gory sense. It has some blood, sure, but not in a full forward fasion as we all love in Dawn and Day... Think mor in direction of TV movie, I know it was not, but this frame of mind might help you to see beyond the rather cheap-looking fassade.

- If you expect a modern film - forget it, unfortunately I think that The Crazies has not aged too well (but this also fits to the second point and could be overcome the same way).


Taking these problems aside, I still see The Crazies as a very strong piece, featuring all the aspects that made the good Romero zombie films so good - most notably there is the doubt of who is good and who is evil.

It is also funny to see some familiar faces from other Romero films
Maybe I should go into it expecting the worst. It does sound rather boring. My expectations aren't high for it anyway. I don't expect it to be modern (it was made in the 70's) and I'd expect the budget to be limited with this type of film anyway. I'll see how it goes.
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