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Old 26th April 2010, 05:31 PM
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DeadAlive DeadAlive is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales

Just adding my bit on the Blade discussion, I quite liked Blade 2, though I do agree that it is Del Toro's worst film when compared to his others. Blade 3 is long overdue a revisit from me. I do remember thinking it wasn't as bad as some of the critics made it out to be but I still remember it being the weakest of the three.

"The Box"
Three words: What the f***?

"Diary Of The Dead"
I gave a rewatch before the latest Romero Zombiefest gets a viewing. It doesn't get any better. In fact, a second viewing just made me remember how bad the film was the first time. (I'd somehow managed to forget a lot of it.) Easily the nadir of Romero's zombie films and close to being the most pointless film ever to use the documentary style of drama.

"Two Thousand Maniacs"
Herschell Gordon Lewis's second feature feels tame after his gore inspired debut. The acting is still terrible and the plotting laughable as you would expect, but the god awful country music (Written by the film maker himself ) is so annoying that it becomes hard work getting through the entire movie without ear plugs. The film is OK but not one that will ever be getting a second viewing at any time from me due to that bloody awful soundtrack.
“Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness.”

My style? .........You could call it the art of fighting without fighting!
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