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Old 30th April 2010, 05:05 PM
42ndStreetFreak 42ndStreetFreak is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: NOT ****ING HERE THAT'S FOR SURE!!!!

Originally Posted by Gojirosan View Post
I've never been much of a fan. It's OK, but falls too far short of the Siegel for me. To be honest, I prefer the 1993 version to the 1978, it has a lovely, cold, crawling creepiness and the military base setting is scary to begin with even before you add Pod People!
Love the '78 version, but I think Ferrara's '93 version was pretty dreadful actually.
i mean the entire Army base set-up ****s the concept from the start.

1, It makes the outbreak so small scale and insulated.
2, It's not a good idea to have a film about people becoming very similar, all obeying the same orders and becoming very regimented....on an army base!
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