But how do you win it?
Well, as you probably can tell lately I've been going A Nightmare On Elm Street crazy!!! Literally, crazy! Although I've yet to see the remake.
Anyways, because of this all you have to do to win is...
Come up with your own nightmare! By that I mean either a nightmare for you or a nightmare for a famous person/character. But to make this a bit more interesting these nightmares can ONLY BE PICTURES not writting!
So...you could post a pic you've found on the interenet OR even better draw something on Paint, etc and post it below. I'm not looking for amazing works of art - it's just a bit of fun.
What is either your worst nightmare or a famous figure/character's worst nightmare?
Next sunday I'll pick the three funniest entries, each of who will be able to pick which of the above film they'd like.
So get doodling!
Good luck everyone!