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Old 1st June 2010, 10:45 AM
Calum Calum is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: May 2009

Originally Posted by Nosferatu View Post
If Amazon have been advertising this with the wrong specifications, someone may get theirs and find that doesn't meet the specs they were expecting, contacted Amazon to say so and Amazon, rather than say "sorry, our website description was wrong" has temporarily pulled the item.

This is all speculation of course and we'll probably never know what the snarl up is. All the while though it's just extremely frustrating for those of you who placed an order there.
And how seriously anal would you need to be in order to moan about the fact the specs said two discs and you got all the goodies on one HD disc instead? Amazon listed it wrong. Big deal.

God, some people....
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