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Old 14th June 2010, 07:06 PM
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I didn't think it was bad and the reason is probably that pristine materials are no longer available for this film.

"As with a number of previous Shameless restorations, the cut here has been assembled from more than one print, with the missing material from the English language version patched up with footage from a lower quality Italian original, which accounts for the occasional switch to Italian dialogue and the sudden appearance of English subtitles, sometimes midway through a shot. If you've selected the Italian track then the restored sequences are still easily identifiable by the temporary drop in picture quality. On the whole the transfer is good, in spite of some intermittent stability issues that prompt the image to wobble a bit in the early stages. The colours are a little faded but the contrast is decent enough, though black levels are rarely completely solid and occasionally drift into grey. The sharpness varies, but on the best material is impressive." (Dvd Outsider)
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