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Old 18th June 2010, 01:04 PM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: From the bowels of Newcastle Upon Tyne he collect DVDs and BRs!

Originally Posted by Calum View Post
This is a wee gem of eighties horror and DeDee Pfeiffer is so cute!!
Can't wait to see it back on the shelves!
Couldn't agree more and Gedde Watanabe's 'Duncan' character is a bit of a laugh, too.

I've always liked the Vamp trailer where the camera is at ground level facing a manhole on the street at night time. The shot closes in as the sewer cover starts to move and Chris Makepeace emerges from under it. He then looks at the camera and asks "Did you ever have one of those nights?" which kicks off the preview in earnest.
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