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Old 23rd June 2010, 11:26 AM
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Philleh Philleh is offline
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
Also rented Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, which whilst a bit overlong wasn't too bad. Rented The X-Files: I Want To Believe as well, which was utter crap IMO. Boring and ineffective, it dispenses with all the alien stuff and goes for a straight-up psychological thriller approach, with supernatural overtones. It was silly and pointless. Creator Chris Carter seriously needs to let go and move on, he's run out of ideas for this concept. I'd be open to another movie, but only if Carter steps aside and lets someone else do a spin on it.
Oh man, I adored Assassination of Jesse James! Casey Affleck, Garratt Dillahunt and Sam Rockwell all give fantastic performances and the film is one of the most beautifully shot films of the new millennium. Probably one of my favourite films of the last decade actually.

As for Chris Carter, he needs to figure out a way of making a Millennium movie - immediately!!

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