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Old 27th July 2010, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by bitchslicer View Post
thats statement doesn't make much sense to me, if that were true then films like the exorcist and texas chainsaw massacre wouldn't be classed as horror as both of these films disgusted a lot ppl when they were released

not sure what thats supposed to mean ? i like films like august underground, guinea pig and grotesque and i see myself as a very normal guy
Disgusted more of shocked audiences because they hadnt seen owt like that style of films b4 70s, it was a new eara of films, and films have gone more violent gory etc since then and have become acceptable to extend where in some cases u see it in a lot every day progs, where in 60 70 wouldnt have been acceptable, TCM 2me is done for the shock value and it worked thats part of why its my all time fav film, because in the film the gore violence etc is praticaly none exsistence, and if u can make a controversal film by that exact means then to me thats a good piece of film making

im not trying to offend any 1 so owt i say dont take personal just my easier for me to explain in my head and give opinion 1 on 1 than trying to explain on a forum site lol, just films like the above have gone passed the boundry and making ppl feel uneasy, sick, disgusted, horrors are meant to be shocking, scary but also entertaining. if a hard core horror fan can complain there vile sick and twisted then surely that in some cases need questioning, but 1 must ask after guniea pig and grotesque whats going to be the next step because they are simply not entertainment in any way shape or form, and there is a handfull of films where more ppl complain about, rather than enjoy ive nvr seen slaughter vomit dolls but from the opinions of some ppl on some sites ive nvr hrd owt good just how gross and sick it is, so far that reason alone i dont want to watch it ,
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