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Old 3rd August 2010, 10:09 AM
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BioZombie BioZombie is offline
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Originally Posted by antmumford View Post
The Legend of Drunken Master (Drunken Master 2) Blu-ray arrived today. Just finished watching it and Oh My God is that film just phenomenal or what? If you haven't seen it then you must.... like right now. It has some of THE most incredibly jaw dropping hand to hand fight scenes ever put to film. As for picture quality, well I'm blown away. I know I own the poor quality Hong Kong VHS release so whatever I see is going to be a drastic improvement from that but I really thought it was a great transfer. Sharp, colourful and clear but still with it's essential grain. What more could you want from a release like this. Easily a 5 out of 5 film.
Hey ant, is this reigon locked? Also Im guessing its the cut version with the different music. I have an uncut reigon 3 dvd but the picture quality is terrible would love to upgrade to blu if its any good.
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