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Old 3rd August 2010, 06:04 PM
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the blob the blob is offline
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Join Date: May 2010
Blog Entries: 3

The worst thing (or perhaps a good thing for my wallet ) is that I'm about to go on a buying ban! Everything is going into storage in a couple of months until at least January next year so the wife is telling me not to buy anything more to keep our moving weight as low as possible. Fair enough. Then when we get back to the UK I've got to buy a new TV as well when we seal our own place so it'll be a good while before I can watch a BD anyway.

It couldn't come at a worse time because I have to say there's more releases in the next 6 months that I'm really interested in than possibly ever before. I'm going to have to buy a few and get them delivered in the UK just so my catch-up list isn't horrendous by then!

The only exception I'm allowed is Lost because we both have to have our annual season marathon as soon as it comes out but that'll be on dvd.
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