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Old 29th August 2010, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by iluvdvds View Post
So far at FF, I've seen; (very slight spoilers)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre - say no more.

Isle Of Dogs - CRAP! Just a terrible film - I found myself laughing at how bad this one was (although people did seem to like it!).

F - A great teenage hoddie-horror film with a brilliant score. Better than Them but not particularly incredible. The film seems to spend it's entirety building up to something.

Monsters - imagine something similar Cloverfield but with the whole film centering around the relationship between two people, hardly any scenes with the monsters in, no violence, no carnage, no nothing. I didn't personally like it overall - but I was expecting some monster movie mayhem. Very well made though.

Dream Home - Excellent Asian slasher film. VERY VERY gory with highly innovative kills. Some of the film drags slightly, but it's an involving story and the kills are brilliant. Also the kills are brilliant. Kills!
your so lucky kyle
I wanted to see F, monsters and dream home at FF too along with we are what we are and i spit remake before it got cut.

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