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killernun41 23rd September 2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Calum (Post 104389)
Bay of Blood has as much in common with Friday the 13th as Cannibal Holocaust has in common with The Blair Witch Project - i.e. nothing.

Absolutely agree.

skyofcrack 23rd September 2010 04:22 PM

We are getting waayyy too greedy here folks. Forgetting the art for a second. Just look at the packaging alone. Most releases barely come with a booklet. It's usually just a promotional flyer or some other nonsense we immediately throw away. I spend a lot of time looking through all of Arrow's goodies before checking out the discs themselves. Reminds me of the good ol' days of reading through a vinyl album and its lyrics as I'm listening to the record. Packaging is a lost art in an of itself. I spent over an hour looking through the Beatles' Mono Boxed Set.

skyofcrack 23rd September 2010 04:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This murder is exactly the same as in F13p2:

Calum 23rd September 2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by skyofcrack (Post 104396)
This murder is exactly the same as in F13p2:

And we've highlighted this in one of the extras. As I said though - watch Friday the 13th (the original, not the sequel which was a Paramount production) and Bay of Blood.

There is no similarity. At all. I once read someone saying "Friday the 13th is a remake of Bay of Blood." Seriously - what a stupid comment!

Sargento 23rd September 2010 04:39 PM

I agree the 4th panel is nothing special, but as previously stated, it just shows how this film was marketed around the world!

Panel 2 as the main sleeve still for me Almar


Philleh 23rd September 2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Calum (Post 104399)
There is no similarity. At all. I once read someone saying "Friday the 13th is a remake of Bay of Blood." Seriously - what a stupid comment!

Bay of Blood is so obviously the influence for Mrs. Voorhees horrific sweater however. :doh:

Calum 23rd September 2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Philleh (Post 104405)
Bay of Blood is so obviously the influence for Mrs. Voorhees horrific sweater however. :doh:

If that's the extent of the "influence" you're clutching at straws...

Stephen@Cult Labs 23rd September 2010 05:12 PM

Awwww not any of the ones I wanted for panel 4 :( Oh well, hopefully there's something there for everyone. I'll either go with Rick's art or panel 2. :nod:

Philleh 23rd September 2010 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Calum (Post 104412)
If that's the extent of the "influence" you're clutching at straws...

... or I'm not being serious? :jest:

bdc 23rd September 2010 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Almar@Cult Labs (Post 104253)
And here folks is panel 4 - that blade is one mighty affair!

It's not really bad I guess (retro style)...but I still miss the original Italian artwork...
Guess it will be 2 for me. ;)

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