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Dinner breaks

Posted 20th February 2011 at 10:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Notes for your listening pleasure...

Turn down the bass around 37 minutes and back up around 40. I couldn't get rid of the fuzz without losing the ridiculous sense of space.

There are clipping errors and glitches all over the place, it's better that way.

It's mostly samples fed through cheap FX until everything floats about. Feel free to fall asleep halfway through. Some parts are designed to be trippy and
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Safety first

Posted 30th January 2011 at 11:06 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Frisbee Peril

Escalator Danger

Kites Are Fun

Fridge Evil

Think Bike!

And Remember...

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Peeping Tom, A Serbian Film and the movable nature of cinema taboos.

Posted 22nd November 2010 at 02:57 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 22nd November 2010 at 04:05 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Right thinking film fans and home video collectors will doubtless by excited by the upcoming Blu-Ray edition of Michael Powell's Peeping Tom, one of the most beloved films ever to destroy a career and cause a moral panic.

Moral Panics of the kind that engulfed Powell and his...
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Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide

Posted 2nd November 2010 at 05:47 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


At last, finally, about time...



I'm sure many Cult Labs members were first hipped to the world of Eurotrash Horror, sleazy US slashers and other underground movie weirdness when the Thatcher government of the 1980s decided that, in the absence of a better bogeyman to blame societies...
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Halloween Trailer Marathon

Posted 29th October 2010 at 05:43 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

This Sunday in Buffalo Bar, Cardiff, Designer Violence are putting a trailer screenings session in the garden (heaters on please!).

For those in the four corners of the UK who can't make it, here's what we'll be showing on the night...

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A Serbian Film - Pointless trash or pointed critique?

Posted 27th October 2010 at 02:13 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 24th November 2010 at 11:29 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Don't read unless you've seen the film or aren't bothered about major plot reveals.


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When the Hollywood mainstream can turn the multiplexes into a mire of torture porn and Saw-style sadism and you can go and sit with an audience and see...
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SLY GEESE by The Grinning Cat

Posted 23rd October 2010 at 07:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
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By The Grinning Cat

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Snow Leopards by The Grinning Cat

Posted 23rd October 2010 at 05:46 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


by The Grinning Cat

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Silver shamrock - vhs death

Posted 23rd October 2010 at 11:27 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

As everyone's favourite evil holiday approaches, here's a new clip from Cardiff based Video-Rock Superstars VHS DEATH to get you in the mood....

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Mind tools 2: Mystic crystal revelations

Posted 3rd October 2010 at 10:37 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 6th October 2010 at 09:49 AM by Sam@Cult Labs




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Mind tools mixtape

Posted 23rd August 2010 at 05:29 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

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Mudfish and a Bear Called 'Hoss

Posted 22nd August 2010 at 06:46 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Year: 1970

AKA: Grizzly at the Wheel / Keep on Truckin' Grizzly Bear!

Mudfish McCollins - Good ol' boy, interstate arm wrestling champion, roadhouse Casanova - is a trucker with a difference. He's got 1200 lbs of North American Grizzly sitting in his cab. Meet 'Hoss ("Barnard" - Grizzly Makes a Bet / Grizzly Makes a Deal / Grizzly Saves Christmas)...
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Fake Flick Grind-O-Rama: Capsule Reviews

Posted 22nd August 2010 at 06:36 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 23rd August 2010 at 06:52 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

With so many Cult Labs Alternative Universe films out there in the wacky world of Made up movies, I've decided to share them with you in the form of mini capsule reviews

1980 Lost Voyage of the Disco Pirates

Director: Hodge Rental

When Chad, Frisky and Danny the Sleaze fall through a warp on the dancefloor of Studio 54, they find themselves...
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Lazer cobra: Death strike

Posted 11th July 2010 at 02:05 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 2nd August 2010 at 07:14 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1983

AKA: 42nd Street Slither / Fangs of the Mecha-Asp / Midnight Venom

Tagline: Get out of New York City!

Doug Grifton's 1983 B-Movie is a minor classic of the Robot Snake Genre (who can forget classics like Rattletron 3000 and Bionic Boa Riders) which did good business on VHS, thanks to it's outrageous body count...
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A Smack Down on Dope Street

Posted 23rd June 2010 at 08:22 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 13th July 2010 at 12:24 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1972

AKA: Lucky Girls Die First / Dead Inside / Shoot Up at the Shooting Gallery

Tagline: "They raped her Sister. They killed her Parents. They Left Her to Die"

1972's A Smack Down on Dope Street represented a new low in the seamy world of the Grindhouse quickie as Hal Manciano stepped surefootedly over the line of acceptable taste,...
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Mondo Texas

Posted 21st June 2010 at 07:32 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 8th July 2010 at 12:30 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Year: 1964

AKA: Carnal Secrets of the Cowgirls / The Sins of the Oil Well

Tagline: Shock After Terrible SHOCK! Everything You'll See is True!

The wild fire success of Italian Proto-Shockumentary Mondo Cane inspired Hal Manciano is pitch in with own collection of old news reel footage, faked scenes and erotic travelogue in 1964. Pitched at thrillseekers...
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Hey Daddy-O! Don't Jive Me

Posted 20th June 2010 at 07:22 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 7th September 2011 at 12:11 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Year: 1959

AKA: The Bongo Murders / Beatnik Blast-Off

Tagline: "Squares, Straights and Cops need not apply!"

Hal Manciano had the accendent Beatnik culture firmily in his sights when he churned out Jazz-Poetry, Black Coffee and Murder quickie 'Hey Daddy-O! Don't Jive Me". A grimy story of Reefer, Scat Jazz, Rollnecks and Rumbles, the film proved a big draw in small town Drive-ins, where the flipped out, crazy sounds of the Bongo and the existential Beat-Poetry...
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F**K - A Musical

Posted 20th June 2010 at 03:08 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 23rd June 2010 at 09:28 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1971

AKA: The Sex Beat of '71 / Rick Hammer Rides Again

Tagline: "Banned in Every State But New Mexico!"

At the height of Porno-Chic, when uptown couples got down with the Grindhouse crowd and watching full strength Hardcore sex in a public cinema became briefly fashionable, Hal Manciano produced what some critics call his...
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Nuclear Teens Get Wasted

Posted 19th June 2010 at 04:54 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 7th September 2011 at 12:37 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1982

AKA: Youth Cult of the Holocaust / Radium Punks Eat Shit

Tagline: Life is Short... Time to Kill!

Hal leapt athletically onto the Post-Apocalyptic band wagon in the early 80s with his poverty stricken riff on The Warriors, Escape From New York and The Red Hand Gang, Nuclear Teens Get Wasted. It's a cheap, tatty Motel of a movie,...
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Up! Down! In! Out!

Posted 19th June 2010 at 02:08 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 21st June 2010 at 09:27 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1967

AKA Hip! / Groovy Times at Far-Out High

Tagline: "Think your Hip?"

Hal Manciano, as I noted in a previous review, had little time for the Counterculture, seeing the rebellious kids holding peace placards as traitors to the good old Red, White and Blue. That didn't stop him from becoming one of the leading producers...
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Cult of the Sex Tigers

Posted 18th June 2010 at 07:15 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 22nd June 2010 at 11:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1974

AKA: Curse of the Sex Tigers / Lady Assassin 5: Bitch Squad / Sex Secrets of the Tiger Ladies

Tagline: "They Hunger For Death and Lust for Carnality!"

Hal Manciano struck Grindhouse gold in 1974 with his low budget riff on James Bond movies, The Cult of the Sex Tigers. Filmed on the cheap and on the fly...
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Happening on Go-Go Street

Posted 18th June 2010 at 05:01 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 19th June 2010 at 07:05 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Year: 1967

AKA: Sizzle on Go-Go Street / Freak Out on Go-Go Street / Terror of the Acid Ghouls / Long Hair Shakedown

Tagline: "Even the Cops Let Their Freak Flags Fly!"

Hal strikes again, cashing in cluelessly on the prevailing youth trends and in the process producing one of the most demented of the late 60s Acid-Sploitation flicks. This is a movie that packs enough oil light effects, psychedelic trip sequences and happening beat combos into it's 80...
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Hooker Patrol

Posted 18th June 2010 at 03:15 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 22nd June 2010 at 07:26 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


1992 Smut-Con Convention Revival Poster

Year: 1976

AKA: Don't Walk Alone / Whore Squad / Kung Fu High Heels

Tagline: "Dare You Try to Fight the..."

Hal 'Fats' Manciano was always a hack. Unlike Russ Meyer, who made Cheescake movies that fueled his own obsessions and turned a profit, Hal was only interested in the bottom...
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Motor-Teens Go Bananas

Posted 18th June 2010 at 01:46 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 23rd June 2010 at 08:45 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Year: 1957

AKA: High School Dynamite! / Frug School / Drag Race on Suicide Alley

Tagline: "Hey Daddy-O! Boss Wheels!"

Hal Manciano jumped on the Teen Beat bandwagon in 1957 with his spirited youth exploitation picture Motor-Teens Go Bananas (AKA Good Girls Go Ape / Burnt Rubber Hoedown).

A wry mixture of poverty row Juvie...
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Hal 'Fats' Manciano

Posted 18th June 2010 at 10:37 AM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 23rd June 2010 at 09:28 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Just doing some research into obscure genre film makers and I turned up 'Fats' Manciano.

Above: Hal captured at the Santa Barbara Cult Cinema Expo Circa 1993

In a career that spanned almost 50 years of B movie production, Manciano produced pictures that act almost as a time line of American exploitation, as he directed and produced pictures that cashed in on teen...
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That's Cool! That's Trash! 4: Cocktails Darling?

Posted 8th March 2010 at 02:21 AM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 9th April 2010 at 08:32 PM by Sam@Cult Labs (Stuff and also things.)


More Gonzo Roll ' n' Roll trash...

with additional French Jerk Music, Singapore Beat Pop, Thai Girl Idols and wayward crooning.

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That's Cool! That's Trash! 3: Real Live Girls!

Posted 28th February 2010 at 05:28 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 28th February 2010 at 07:47 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

That's Cool! That's Trash! 3...



DR ****WIT
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That's Cool! That's Trash! The Revenge!

Posted 22nd February 2010 at 10:45 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 3rd July 2010 at 12:48 PM by Sam@Cult Labs





"Reality Man...Reality!
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That's Cool! That's Trash!

Posted 6th February 2010 at 10:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 3rd June 2010 at 05:53 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


30 Minutes of Cool Trash, Drugsploitation, Singapore Beat Pop, Jungle Novelty Records and other Mondo Rock 'n' Roll Goodies...

Track List

POT PARTY - Burt Topper

Anti-LSD propaganda from the soundtrack to late 60s Youth-Gone-Wild documentary "Teenage Rebellion"

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Scratchy Old Reggae Sides.

Posted 4th February 2010 at 09:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 4th February 2010 at 10:12 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

No wobbly cut ups, just 30 minutes of crackly old reggae music...

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Chick Comics

Posted 27th January 2010 at 08:50 PM by Sam@Cult Labs




Chick comics are a revelation, but not in the way the authors of these fascinating but morally dubious comic book tracts would probably envisage.

Founded by fundamentalist Protestant Jack T. Chick, Chick Publications specialise in a...
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The Mass Hypnosis Tape

Posted 19th January 2010 at 12:40 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Mass Hypnosis Tape


This mix was the one I produced just before I made the "Erotic Sounds" tape, that featured only original material (well, when I say original, I mean tracks consisting of chopped up samples).

There's lots of my stuff on here as well as full tracks by other artists so this one might be described as transitional...

While you...
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Thirst Clip Show

Posted 12th January 2010 at 11:37 AM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 12th January 2010 at 11:49 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Coming to DVD & BLu-Ray in the UK 25.01.2010

Thirsty Talk on Cult Labs

Enjoy these exclusive clips from Thirst, the latest movie from the acclaimed director of Old Boy, Lady Vengeance and I'm a Cyborg, Park Chan-Wook.

Courtesy of Palisades Tartan

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Erotic Sounds for Young Hipsters

Posted 9th January 2010 at 11:10 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 11th February 2010 at 06:50 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Slip into your smoking jacket, pour an exotic drink and make yourself comfortable in the conversation pit.

Space age bachelors everywhere know where it's at...

Wrong Side of Art

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Grindhouse Disco - Shake it Baby!

Posted 7th November 2009 at 09:58 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Grindhouse Disco

More weird musical shapes as we descend into doped up party hell at the GRINDHOUSE DISCO...

Essentially more of the usual off center samples, this time over a more...
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A halloween vhs massacre

Posted 1st November 2009 at 07:27 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Last night I screened the Argento cut of Dawn of the Dead to a rapturous and occasionally confused audience of Halloween freaks in the achingly hip Buffalo Bar, Cardiff.

Rapturous because it's Dawn of the Dead, it's Halloween and nothing gets a crowd in the mood for all night dancing like gut munching Zombies in an abandoned shopping centre.

Confusion because most of the people were familiar with the film and the alternate...
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From Within Trailer

Posted 27th August 2009 at 05:50 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

From Within Trailer

Rumer Willis and Thomas Dekker star in the "INTENSE, DARK AND SCARY AS HELL" (Gorezone magazine) horror hit of the summer. This darkly disturbing tale is guaranteed to put the frighteners on fans of recent horror blockbusters such as the Final Destination trilogy, One Missed Call and The Grudge and The Ring series of movies. FROM WITHIN (cert. 15) will be released on DVD (£15.99) by E1 Entertainment on 24th August...
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Sexy Killer Fan Page

Posted 27th August 2009 at 05:28 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 27th August 2009 at 06:02 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Keep up with Sexy Killer by adding the Facebook Fan Page:

FB.init("0087446f98bbf1d68bf94b428140d17b");Sexy Killer on Facebook

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Masters of Giallo Fan Page

Posted 8th July 2009 at 07:37 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Just noticed this new feature on Facebook, which allows people to post a fan page widget to their site.

Here's the Masters of Giallo page...

FB.init("15d589ef3630088fc4982daba9644a69");Arrow Video's Masters of Giallo on Facebook
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Porno Mix!

Posted 23rd June 2009 at 03:47 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 6th July 2009 at 05:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Bande érotique de mélange

After downloading a stack of smutty radio spots, I figured the natural home of all this hilarious filth was a porntastic mix tape. Be warned... This isn't a child friendly mix tape and if naughty words like "love hole" or "cock" offend you, please be on your way.

If, on the other hand, you want to hear 35 minutes of psychedelic lounge music, Wah Wah Porno-funk and sassy women talkin' trash....
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Top 100 Mix Tape...

Posted 14th June 2009 at 09:50 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

All Time Top 100

Cardiff has an exciting night where local people involved in "the creative arts", get to play their top 100 records to a room full of hipsters.

I'm playing in July, so the groovers of Cardiff can expect 60s Psych, 70s funk, New York Disco, Punk rock and Don't Stop Believin' by Journey.

As usual, I can't leave well alone and I've made a mix cd. My and my partner will make 50 hand...
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Posted 23rd May 2009 at 07:05 AM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 23rd June 2010 at 12:19 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

From the Annals of DVDisgo (RIP) and DVDresurrections


Another film caught up in the UK's draconian Video Nasty clampdown of the early ‘80s, Possession is in fact more of an extreme art house movie than the exploitative hard gore horror films it was lumped in with on the Department of Public Prosecutions banned list.

First of all, a word of caution - viewers expecting bloody thrills...
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Men Behind The Sun

Posted 21st May 2009 at 01:28 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

From the annals of DVDisgo and DVDresurrections

Men Behind The Sun

The ultimate geek show movie or a harsh indictment of Japan's war crimes during the second world war? Maybe it's both but be assured, Men Behind The Sun is one of the harshest, most uncompromising films ever committed to celluloid and then inflicted on an audience.

The film open with some young male adolescents who...
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La Settima Donna

Posted 21st May 2009 at 12:41 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

From the annals of DVDisgo (RIP) and DVDresurrections

La Settima Donna

This nasty slice of Italian exploitation will please fans of rough fare like Last House on the Left and They Call Her One Eye. In fact the movie was marketed in some territories as Last House on the Beach, which should give clued in viewers an idea of the queasy unpleasantness that’s packed into this stylish but depraved little...
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Fulci's Murder Rock

Posted 17th May 2009 at 06:07 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

From the annals of DVDisgo and DVDresurrections

Murder Rock

You've got to hand it to those crazy Italian exploitation directors, they knew how to churn out a watchable rip off of mainstream cinema's hit movies in double quick time. Conan The Barbarian inspired numerous spaghetti-fantasy movies like Fulci's Conquest and D'amato's Ator series. Dirty Harry kicked off a spate of right wing fantasies in which...
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La Cabina

Posted 17th May 2009 at 05:02 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

From the pages of the sadly defunct DVDisgo and the happily active DVDresurrections

La Cabina

This amazing short film was directed by Antonio Mercero for Spanish television in 1972. It's a wonderful example of efficient, lean horror story telling which squeezes in plenty of thrills and shocks in its 40 minute running time.

Essentially a European riff on a Twilight Zone style format, the film...
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Fulci's Conquest

Posted 17th May 2009 at 03:07 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Another repost from... DVDisgo (RIP) and DVDresurrections


First of all a quick warning. I am about to give a semi-decent review of a really bad film. Fulci's Conquest doesn't even register on the quality film radar in comparison to his masterworks like The Beyond or Don't Torture A Duckling. It's A-Grade, No Nonsense Trash-ola of the murkiest, most slapdash variety. So, for anyone reading this...
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The Star Wars Holiday Special

Posted 17th May 2009 at 01:56 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I'm using this blog to get all the writing I've done that's still floating around online in one place.

To this end, I'll be reposting reviews that were published first on my Myspace blog DVDisgo and also on DVDresurrections, a great Australian cult films website. Please pay them a call.

The Star Wars Holiday Special

Chewbacca is racing across space to spend the holidays with his family in...
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The Uncanny

Posted 17th May 2009 at 11:27 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Uncanny

The lowly house cat; cherished pet, cute furry fluff ball, loyal companion...

Or are they part of some vicious and malignant plot to destroy humanity as they gather in hairy packs under streetlights, looking for trouble. The rather naff kids film, Cats and Dogs, put forward the proposition of a global feline conspiracy in which Machiavellian moggies plotted man and canine downfall but a small British horror anthology picture...
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More Asian stuff...

Posted 17th May 2009 at 10:35 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Red Shoes

Not to be confused with Powell & Pressburger classic of the same name, The Red Shows is an excellent work of high drama horror, The Red Shoes continues Korea's run of quirky hits with a movie that piles on the gory shocks, sometimes to a ridiculous degree, while still focusing on character, in particular a riveting mother -daughter relationship at the heart of the movie that explodes into raw physical and verbal violence as the film moves...
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Posted 17th May 2009 at 09:27 AM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 17th May 2009 at 09:57 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Takashi Miike is capable of producing some extremely flawed cinema alongside his works of cultish genius like Audition or Full Metal Yakuza. But, even though Silver is among his least effective movies, in Miike world even the lesser work is still mildly entertaining. Drenched in bloodshed and perversity, Miike Amoral visions may have got a little fuzzy with Silver but as a comic book orgy of smutty sexual weirdness and sickening violence it's...
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Duel Project

Posted 16th May 2009 at 03:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Duel Project

A unique Japanese film experiment, The Duel Project features two movies, both made under strict rules given by the two films producer. The films were to be shot in a single location, feature no more than three actors, one of whose character had to die. The budgets had to be small and a maximum eight days of shooting was allowed.

I've always been intrigued by filmmakers imposing strict criteria on their work; Lars Von Trier's work...
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Posted 11th May 2009 at 04:34 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Werner Herzog's late 70s sound and colour remake of the classic silent horror Nosferatu.

Starring well known thespian lunatic Klaus Kinski as the hideous vampire and lord of the rats, this is an arty take on vampiric lore that might at first alienate straight ahead horror fans but stick with's a moody atmospheric piece with some vivid imagery. One scene that springs to mind is of a formerly well to do family trying...
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Posted 4th May 2009 at 03:37 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Xtro Franchise

Sold as an adult version of ET on it's release in 1983, the first of the series is a British made cheapy about a family man who is returned to Earth by his alien abductors after three years. The unfortunate man is now in possession of ungodly powers...

Appearing briefly on the Nasties list back in the 80s, Xtro has a few shocking scenes such as a pregnant woman who dies giving birth to an adult male, a trick Takashi...
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Freezer (Freeze Me)

Posted 4th May 2009 at 12:52 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Freezer (Freeze Me)

A particularly sleazy entry in the Asian canon of extreme cinema.

A woman moves away from her small town roots to the big city to escape the memories of a vicious gang rape assault. She builds herself a new life with a good career and a loving boyfriend but the recurring nightmares of that terrible event continue to haunt her.

Years later the members of mob that attacked her come calling but this time she doesn't take things...
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Boy Meets Girl

Posted 4th May 2009 at 12:11 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Boy Meets Girl

Mid 90s low budget horror that caused serious controversy and even suffered bans on it's initial release.

In a seedy bar, Girl is looking for a victim and Boy wants to get laid. Soon they are back at Girl's flat where she gives him wine and they watch porn. The wine is drugged and soon Boy is feeling...a...little...woozy....

Boy wakes up. He can't move. The room is dark. Boy is strapped to a dentist's chair....
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In the Video Shop...

Posted 4th May 2009 at 11:18 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Fright Night

After the early 80s slasher cycle in which mysogynistic murder scenes and extremes of gore were the name of the game, the latter part of the decade saw comedy-horror ruling the video store roost with even Freddy Kruger lapsing into corny one-liners. The fact that Kruger became almost cuddly as the numerous sequels took their toll on his sinister reputation always annoyed me. Did no one ever ask whether producing cuddly toy versions of a...
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The Medusa Touch +1

Posted 4th May 2009 at 11:02 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Medusa Touch

A forgotten classic starring Richard Burton at the height of his late 70s hamming, it combines the horror and disaster genres to great effect and then hits the viewer with a killer downbeat ending, as was the fashion for horror flicks at the time.

Burton plays Morlar, a man who is recovering in hospital after being battered round the head in his home. The police are investigating the assault and also how he may be implicated...
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More British Oddities...

Posted 4th May 2009 at 10:41 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Witchfinder General

Michael Reeves only directed three films before his tragic death from an overdose of downers in the late 60s. Luckily he left us with some fantastic films including a great late Boris Karloff vehicle, the Sorcerers, but of the three, Witchfinder General is his masterpiece, a slice of harrowing 17th horror that's a million miles away from the campy fun of it's Hammer contemporaries.

Vincent Price dropped the melodramatic...
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Youth on the skids...

Posted 4th May 2009 at 10:16 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


The daddy of British youth crime movies and based on an instantly banned BBC production, Scum is a brutal portrayal of the harsh conditions in a Borstal, an archaic youth offenders unit that sort to brutalize prisoners into conforming to societies rules but instead turned out a generation of hard case psychos who'd had the humanity beaten out of them. Rife with racism, male rape and violence, Scum is not an easy watch, even by today's more liberal...
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Black Mama White Mama

Posted 4th May 2009 at 09:42 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Black Mama White Mama

Queen of 70s black cinema, Pam Grier (Cleopatra Jones, Coffy, Jackie Brown) stars in this "Chicks-in-chains" rehash of the Classic Tony Curtis/Sidney Poitier prison escape film, "The Defiant Ones".

Two women prisoners, one black, one white, exist in a hellish prison where bullish lesbian guards hound them. During transportation an uprising from their fellow inmates allows our pair to escape into the jungle, joined...
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Sherlock Holmes

Posted 4th May 2009 at 09:26 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

House of Fear

In Drearcliff Manor a society of aging men live in a weird commune called The Good Companions, where each is heavily insured and the other members are the beneficiaries. The foreboding housekeeper hands each an envelope containing an ever-shrinking amount of orange pips before they are murdered in grisly fashion. The corpses are found mutilated, living up to a look legend that no one leaves Drearcliff in one piece...

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Dementia (Daughter of Horror)

Posted 2nd May 2009 at 10:07 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Dementia (Daughter of Horror)

A real oddity, Dementia (also known by it's alternate title, Daughter Of Horror), started life as a 10 minute short before Director John Parker expanded this essentially silent movie into a 60-minute feature.

The movies only real dialogue comes from a narrator, a trick used in a lot of sleazy sex pictures in the 60s such as the Olga series of S&M movies. He welcomes us in the horrific depths of a fractured...
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Posted 2nd May 2009 at 09:41 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


Malcolm McDowell (Clockwork Orange) takes on the establishment in this allegorical tale about the horror's of the British Public school system. Made in 1968, when popular culture seemed to be questioning everything, If... mirrored the global explosion of youth rebellion and it presents an educational system for the sons of the well off that seems designed to brutalize and beat the will out of young boys.

Directed by Lindsay Anderson...
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Ruth Gordon Movies

Posted 2nd May 2009 at 09:29 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Rosemary's Baby

"This isn't a dream... This is really happening!"

Mia Farrow stars with John Cassavetes in Roman Polanski's timeless chiller about Guy, a jobbing actor, and his elfin wife, moving into an old fashioned apartment building in New York City*. The filmmakers used the Dakota Building, which became infamous later on as the place outside which John Lennon was shot. The loving couple soon become friendly with the apparently...
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Posted 2nd May 2009 at 08:49 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


A very young Jack Nicholson stars in this Roger Corman cheapy in which a young soldier in the Napoleonic wars chases a mystery women into an old, and of course creepy, castle occupied by a frail Baron, played by Boris Karloff.

The Baron is a deeply troubled man as a twisted old witch is trying to drive him to suicide and the strange girl that Nicholson followed is in on the plot...With Nicholson trapped in the eerie castle, all...
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Something Weird...

Posted 2nd May 2009 at 08:20 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Odean issued some the Something Weird DVD a while back and, although the discs weren't as special as the extra packed R1 editions, it was still great to see these bottom shelf oddities in UK stores. Republishing this review gives me an excuse to post up some really odd trailers...

She Freak / Taste of Blood

A candy coloured 60s remake of Todd Browning's Freaks, She Freak is cheap drive in movie dreck that...
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New Track...

Posted 1st May 2009 at 10:38 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Hi folks,

Here's a link to a piece of music I made yesterday. Crackly old gospel record chopped up over a nice break with reverb and echo effects...
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The Yellow Teddybears

Posted 30th April 2009 at 05:26 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Yellow Teddybears

The early 60s saw censorship slowly slipping and UK producers cashing in with a series of controversial (by the standards of the day) movies that pushed the sexual content envelope to it's limit.

Tony Tenser, later of UK horror specialists Tigon Pictures, was behind this 1963 movie which was packaged as an exploitative and pervy look at burgeoning sexuality among teenage school girls but was in fact a message movie about the perils of pre-marital...
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Wild Style

Posted 28th April 2009 at 05:54 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Wild Style

Before the Hollywood exploitation of the New York Hip Hop scene saw the entertaining but totally camp and clueless Breakdance movies rake in the dollars, the originators of the worlds most popular music collaborated on a scrappy, badly acted but riveting look at New York street life, which brought together the four elements of the culture, B-Boying, Graffiti writing, rapping and DJing, into a strange hybrid of drama and documentary.
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The Honeymoon Killers

Posted 28th April 2009 at 03:35 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Honeymoon Killers

A raw low budget classic from 1970, the Honeymoon Killers is based on real events in which a couple united by their outsider status go on a murderous rampage. When When Raymond and Martha meet through a lonely-hearts club they seem like a match made in heaven; she obese, obsessive and needy and he weak, slimy and deceitful. Together they hit on a vile scheme where he poses as a lonely guy who takes women from the dating club out...
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Posted 28th April 2009 at 12:39 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Deep Red and Blow Up actor David Hemmings stars in this amusing late 70s Australian vampire offering that predates the Blade movies in it's portrayal of blood drinkers as a well organized society, building human farms for harvest.

Returning readers may have read about my love of Near Dark, which portrays vampires as trailer trash predators in contrast to the high born sophisticates of most vampiric cinema. Normally, I'd side with...
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Posted 28th April 2009 at 09:00 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


"All her enemies will be eliminated... but first they will suffer!"

When a girl is rendered comatose following a cruel prank played by her school friends, she takes revenge from her hospital bed by possessing a new pupil at the exclusive boarding school she once attended. Soon the haunted newbie is setting about extracting a horrible revenge for the cruelty meted out to her possessor...

Director Lucio Fulci...
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Massacre At Central High

Posted 26th April 2009 at 02:57 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 26th April 2009 at 05:34 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Massacre At Central High

Massacre At Central High is at first glace a typical slice of mid 70s exploitation, mixing as it does all the lurid violence and leering nudity that was required by Drive-in promoters and Grindhouse owners to keep their audiences sated. But beneath the usual trappings is a much odder movie that seems to have influenced later films such as Heathers in it's look at the corrupt malignancy that can lurk beneath the exterior of an...
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Rocketship XM

Posted 26th April 2009 at 02:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Rocketship XM

The Future Is Coming!

A cheap B&W movie rushed into to production to beat the groundbreaking "Destination Moon" to the cinema screens in the early 50s, Rocketship XM sees a group of plucky astronauts veer off their chosen route to the moon, landing instead on mars in a mind numbing piece of unscientific anti-logic that sets up the rest of this odd slice of B-movie madness.

On arrival the crew discover...
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Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Posted 26th April 2009 at 02:33 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Enjoy the movie!

An asylum inmate reveals the story of Dr. Caligari, who has a sleeping walking slave called Cesare who is murdering the townsfolk of Holstenwell. Is the tale a product of one mans twisted imagination or the grisly truth...

A vital entry both in the history of horror cinema and film as a whole. Made in Germany in the 1920s, the film is a surreal masterpiece. Cabinet... is...
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Get Christie Love

Posted 26th April 2009 at 02:23 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Get Christie Love

Get Christie Love is a TV movie spin off from the blaxploitation movies of the early 70s that featured ballsy afro queens who didn't take any crap and meted out justice with a Kung Fu kick and a mean one liner. Think movies like Coffy, Cleopatra Jones or Foxy Brown. The film was successful enough to spawn it's own shortlived TV series.

Following the usual path of female lead black movies of the time, Christie...
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More old flicks...

Posted 26th April 2009 at 02:16 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I Bury The Living

Robert Kraft is starting a new job as the chairman of a committee overseeing the running of a massive cemetery, a graveyard so huge that a map is kept in the office, displaying every grave. Pins are used, black for filled graves and white for sold plots that have yet to be occupied by the deceased.

When Robert makes an error and places a pair of black pins on the wrong grave site causing the young couple who paid for...
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Ghosts and Giant Leeches...

Posted 26th April 2009 at 01:43 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Attack of the Giant Leeches

From The Murky Underground Caverns...

When a drunken trapper reports that giant monsters are lurking in the local swamp, the townsfolk don't believe his inebriated ramblings until people start disappearing...

Welcome to 50s monster movie heaven in this basically awful but entertaining piece of tinpot cheapness.

The trapper turns up later, extremely dead and sporting great...
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Teenagers From Outer Space

Posted 26th April 2009 at 01:32 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Teenagers From Out Space

Ultra low budget 50s drive-in nonsense for fans of kitzch camp and Sci Fi aficionados. It's Martian invasion time as the pesky aliens invade Earth in order to use our planet as a breeding ground for their food creatures (or men in rubber decide!) The Gargons!!!

One Martian becomes attached to an Earth woman, Betty (Are all women in 50s America called Betty?) and must now fight his own race to save...
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Reefer Madness! (Tell Your Children)

Posted 26th April 2009 at 01:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Reefer Madness! (Tell Your Children)

Enjoy the whole movie!

A moralising cult classic from the 30s, designed to exploit fears of drug abuse while masquerading as a educational film in order to get shots of ladies showing their stocking tops past the stringent censors, Reefer Madness is a delirious riot of a movie in which we learn that smoking weed can lead to an interest in "Race" music (i.e. Jazz) played by wild haired dope lunatics...
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Black Fist

Posted 26th April 2009 at 12:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Black Fist

"The Big Bad Black Dude of the Streets... He'll bust you up, slam you down and blast you into pieces!"

With a tag line like that how could I resist! I love blaxploitation movies. It's the music, the fashion, the hair and the ghetto kung fu action. I got sucked in by seeing Shaft at a young age but it's the less well known, cheaper and generally more exploititive ones that hold my interest now. Their more violent and...
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Dementia 13

Posted 26th April 2009 at 12:25 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Dementia 13

Roger Corman gave a leg up to a great many of Hollywood's biggest directors including ex Happy Days star Ron Howard and Francis Ford Coppola who made his directorial debut in Ireland on Corman's production, Dementia 13.

The Haloran family are gathering to carry out a morbid ritual to remember the demise of a drowned relative. The family bicker and plot while an axe murderer begins to stalk the grounds. Soon the family members...
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Carnival of Souls

Posted 26th April 2009 at 12:17 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 26th April 2009 at 05:03 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Carnival of Soul

This was a one off movie by a company who specialized in industrial and educational films for businesses and schools. The producers obviously didn't realize they were making a classic that would go on to influence many genre filmmakers, including Romero who was clearly influenced in his choice of zombie make-up for "Night of the Living Dead"

A teenage drag race goes horribly wrong causing a car to plummet from a bridge...
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Satan's Sadists

Posted 26th April 2009 at 11:38 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Satan's Sadists

A perverse thrill can sometimes be gotten from wallowing in the last gasps of a once successful actors career. Think of Molly Ringwald, once a part of Pretty in Pink and heading for glory before crashing in the 90s and ending up in the terrible Aussie slasher movie "Cut".

And so to Russ Tamblyn, once riding high on the success of West Side Story, before Hollywood's excesses saw him plummet to earth, leaving him starring...
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The Phantom of the Paradise

Posted 26th April 2009 at 11:22 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Phantom of the Paradise

Carrie director Brian De Palma turns in a truly bizarre 70s oddity from the decade when studios were green lighting all sort of wacky projects.

A recording mogul, the diminutive Swan, makes a deadly enemy when he steals some music from Leach, an aspiring songwriter, to use at the launch of his new rock venue/palace of dreams, The Paradise.

Leach is a sensitive singer-songwriter type in the typical...
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Sex & Zen

Posted 26th April 2009 at 10:50 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Sex & Zen

Classic Hong Kong Cat III eroticism that still manages to befuddle the sensibilities years after it was first released. Mixing softcore sex scenes with costume drama, this example of libertine film making is a great example of a genre that flourished in the Far East for a while until the Chinese government cracked down on it's more explicit facets.

Sex & Zen is the everyday story of a newly married man who goes on a journey...
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Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.

The Nun & The Devil

Posted 26th April 2009 at 10:24 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Nun & The Devil

Following the huge success of Ken Russell churching baiting classic The Devils, the Italian B-movie industry kicked into gear with a slew of "Nunsploitation" cash-ins designed to rack up the sacrilege, sex and bloodshed to get punters into theatres. The Nun and The Devil is one of the better examples of the style and is a good movie despite being in extremely dubious taste. Taking place in a 16th century holy order, it shows...
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70s Paranoid Sci-Fi

Posted 26th April 2009 at 10:10 AM by Sam@Cult Labs


High-end 70s Sci-Fi fun in the paranoid future mould that seemed to thrive in the post-hippy era. This would make a good triple bill with Logan's Run and Soylent Green, all three sharing that combination of dark conspiracy theory and an air of 70s camp.

In this head-spinning future sport classic James Caan plays a champion Rollerballer. Rollerball is a high-speed combination of rollerskating, American Football, motorbike racing...
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What The Apes Did on Their Holidays... The Sequels.

Posted 26th April 2009 at 09:50 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Beneath The Planet Of The Apes

The stella success of the original Planet of the Apes movie spawned a franchise that encompassed live action TV, a kids cartoon and four sequels. All the follow up films are entertaining, although diminishing budgets mean that some of the films are fun to watch for the wrong reasons! Beneath the Planet of the Apes is the first sequel and relates to a new crew, sent to rescue Taylor, the astronaut from the first movie....
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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Posted 26th April 2009 at 09:18 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1958

The Nightmare That Threatens The World!

Don Siegal's classic slice of Cold War paranoia continues to send chills down the spine after over 50 years and several remakes.

Body Snatchers is set in the world of perfect 1950s small town Americana, A Norman Rockwell Idyll of conservative values and well behaved, perfectly manicured wives, where, seemingly from nowhere, mysterious vegetable...
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The Final Countdown

Posted 25th April 2009 at 08:44 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Some time travel business now...

The Final Countdown

A modern aircraft carrier, captained by Kirk Douglas, is caught up in a supernatural storm that throws the ship back in time to a point just before the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Habour. The situation presents the crew with one the great dilemmas in Sci-Fi cinema, do they make a pre-emptive attack against the Japanese carrier that is moving towards the habour, thus saving...
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In Defence of Eurotrash

Posted 25th April 2009 at 03:41 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 25th April 2009 at 09:19 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

In Defence of Eurotrash

Some people on Twitter don't like the term Eurotrash to describe movies and they feel it's a insult to the art of movie making and that those who might use the term are somehow ignorant and unenlightened about cinema.

They also feel that people who use the term are only reviewing cult movies to be trendy or ironic. I'd argue differently. It takes a certain knowledge of cult cinema to apply the term correctly and besides, if you've actually...
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Posted 25th April 2009 at 02:04 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Short claustrophobic horror movie from Shinya Tsukamoto, director of such genre-bending shockers a Tetsuo 1 & 2, Tokyo Fist and the brilliant A Snake Of June. The director himself stars in this strange fever dream of a movie in which a man wakes up locked in a cramped, lightless concrete room in which he can barely move.

Why is he there and where did he come from? We can see that he has a horrific stomach injury and that he is gradually...
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Three on a Meathook

Posted 25th April 2009 at 01:45 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Three on a Meathook

A lonely country boy called Billy lives on an isolated farm with his smothering and slightly mental father. Billy needs to be hidden away because he can't be trusted around other folks...especially women.

Billy is convinced that he murders them in a blind frenzy but has no memory of the crimes afterwards. This terrible fate will befall four young women who have car trouble and seek shelter at the farm. Soon each will...
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Black Emanuelle

Posted 25th April 2009 at 01:34 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Black Emanuelle

Black Emanuelle stars Laura Gemser stars as cult leader 'The Divine One' in this early 80s sexploitation movie about a bizarre cult. Members of the group all indulge in free love and anyone who doesn't fancy rutting with wild abandon gets whipped bloody in front of everyone as an exercise in humiliation. Add to this bizarre mix some head scratching contemporary dance numbers and a vague plot about the cult leaders boyfriend falling for a senators daughter, leading...
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Conan the Barbarian

Posted 25th April 2009 at 01:20 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Conan the Barbarian

Arnie helped to define the early 80s Swords & Sandals revival with this epic tale of Iron age fantasy that would spawn copycat movies like the fantastic Beastmaster, as well as a spate of less than perfect Italian hack jobs.

Based on the fictional work of Robert E. Howard, the film sees Arnie play the eponymous hero, a hulk-like warrior of mercifully few words (most of which seem to be 'Crom'). The film opens with...
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More Eurotrash weirdness...

Posted 25th April 2009 at 01:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Death Walks at Midnight

A Great Example of the Italian Giallo horror genre that flourished in sleazier European cinemas during the late 60s/early 70s. A fashion model is drugged as part of a publicity stunt and while tripping out witnesses a nasty murder involving a masked man with a spiked glove. When her story is published she finds that the evil fiend is now stalking her and taking out her friends.

Typically stylish but nonsensical...
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Posted 25th April 2009 at 12:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Phantasm: the delusion of a disordered mind, a phantasm, a spirit, a ghost!

Early outing from Don Coscarelli (Beastmaster, Bubba Ho Tep) in which a sinister undertaker known as "The Tall Man" steals people, shrinks them down and sends them through a portal into a hell dimension where they work as dwarf slaves. Anyone getting in the way gets chased by his silver death balls, shiny spheres with spikes that attach to your...
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Female Yakuza Fury!

Posted 25th April 2009 at 12:43 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Female Yakuza Tale

For fans of other Female lead Japanese exploitation movies like Lady Snowblood or the Female Prisoner Scorpion films, Female Yakuza Tale is going to be a must see. The Japanese made sleazy movies with undeniable style and this film has all the graphic elements that make these movies so good even 30 years after they were first produced.

In this one a women called Ocho is captured by a drug dealing cartel who use Chinese...
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Dead or Alive: Final

Posted 25th April 2009 at 11:55 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Dead or Alive: Final

Apologies: I can only find the trailer with a Spanish narration. Enjoy the visuals. Unless your Spanish that is...

After what seems like an age, Takashi Miike's concluding episode of the Dead or Alive series finallly gots a UK outing on DVD. Tartan released the first two parts during the initial rush to release quirky Japanese extreme cinema, It was a few years before UK fans could get their hands on the concluding...
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Visitor Q

Posted 25th April 2009 at 11:40 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Visitor Q

Visitor Q was part of a V-Cinema (Japanese "Straight-to-video genre) series on the nature of love

In which the already taboo busting Japanese director of such close to the bone entertainment as Ichi The Killer, Full Metal Yakuza and Imprint decides to try and offend everyone on the face of the earth with a low budget shot on video opus that seeks to scramble your synapses by throwing as much degradation and filth onto...
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Full Metal Yakuza

Posted 25th April 2009 at 11:23 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Full Metal Yakuza

In Full Metal Yakuza, director Takashi Miike, maker of such extreme Japanese movies as Zebraman, Ichi The Killer and One Missed Call, steals the plot from Robocop, as a downtrodden low ranking gangster is transformed into a robot-killing machine by a crazy science guy. Our lowly gangster goes from meek servant to the gang boss, from a natural target for bullies to a super-strong fighting warrior who in one memorable scene in a car...
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Mario Bava Bits...

Posted 25th April 2009 at 11:08 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Danger Diabolik

Well, here it is, one of the greatest slices of kitsch 60s pop-art cinema ever produced.

Directed by Italian genre expert Mario Bava, this comic book tale of crime capers and daring heists is the source the Beastie Boys video for Body Movin', in which they use footage from the movie.

Telling the OTT story of Diabolik (John Phillip Law), a masked international thief and his blond bombshell girlfriend as...
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Sexy Vampire Hotness...

Posted 25th April 2009 at 09:03 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

If I was 30 years older I'd marry Ingrid Pitt...

Countess Dracula

Hammers most voluptuous Scream Queen, Ingrid Pitt stars in a film loosely based on the notorious Countess Bathory, a genuine character from the darker annals of medieval European history, although I wouldn't want to vouch for the veracity of Hammer's take on here story.

She is a withered old crone who longs for the erotic attentions of a young stud who has...
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Bela Lugosi's Dead Pt 2

Posted 24th April 2009 at 10:52 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Scared To Death

Lugosi's only starring role in a colour film is not among his best work, but Bela is never boring to watch, even in a real crud like 'Bela Lugosi meets a Brooklyn Gorilla' (you can't make these titles up...).

In Scared To Death we follow the narration of a deceased woman who describes the events leading to her demise. Opening in a morgue, we here that a beautiful lady has died of fright, but how did such a terrible thing...
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Bela Lugosi's Dead Pt 1

Posted 24th April 2009 at 10:39 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Bride of the Monster

Bride of the Monster is an essential movie for all students of trash film making, a classic Z-grade shocker from the master of bad movies, Ed Wood.

Bela Lugosi stars in this poverty stricken sci-fi effort as a mad doctor (is there any other kind?) who kidnaps twelve men and attempts to use atomic energy to turn them into super-humans. A sassy female journalist gets wind of his scheme, heads up to his lair to investigate...
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I Monster

Posted 24th April 2009 at 10:19 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I Monster

I Monster is an early 70s retelling of the old Jeckyll & Hyde story in which the names have been changed, presumably to protect the innocent.

Produced by UK horror studio Amicus in the early 70s and starring the always intriguing Christopher Lee, It tells the grisly tale of a Dr Marlowe, who discovers a drug that lowers all inhibition, causing rather proper English ladies to divest themselves of their clothing while reducing...
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Japanese Pinku movies...

Posted 24th April 2009 at 09:45 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Republished from my days reviewing for "The Man". As before, these were meant to be viewed individually as people browsed the site, so there's a few repeated points.

Whether my reviews helped to shift any product is another matter...

Tokyo X Erotica

Skirting that fine line between art and pornography, Japanese "Pink Cinema" constantly pushes the boundaries of taste and decency. As an example of this genre, Tokyo...
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The Blind Dead

Posted 24th April 2009 at 08:46 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I really rate these odd Spanish oddities. These are from "that high street retailers" site that I used to pen reviews for. So there's some repetition. Don't let that spoil the wonky euro-trash fun though...

Tombs Of The Blind Dead

Classic low rent zombie action, a product of the prolific Spanish horror industry of the 70s. As the countries dictator Franco's power faded in that decade new generation of exploitation film makers...
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Roger Corman Trash-o-rama

Posted 24th April 2009 at 08:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Wasp Woman

The Woman's Driving Passion is to be... Queen of Beauty

She has the head and hands of a wasp but the body of a beautiful woman she is...Wasp Women.

Another production line cheapy from Roger Corman before he hit critical pay-dirt with his series of Edgar Allen Poe films, this isn't high art but for tacky movie aficionados it'll hit all the right buttons.

The head of a successful cosmetics...
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Blog 50 - Dracula Vs Frankstein

Posted 24th April 2009 at 07:41 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Dracula Vs Frankenstein

Al Adamson should win a posthumous Oscar for services to the trashy drive-in movie! Whether it be cheap Kung Fu knock offs, scummy biker flicks or this ghost-train wreck of a movie, his films may have been terrible, but they were never dull.

Cobbled together from other unfinished projects, Dracula Vs Frankenstein has it all, Mad scientists hiding out in fair ground attractions, deranged hunched back assistants...
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Hell's Teeth!

Posted 24th April 2009 at 07:31 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Hell gate

This is one of those weird low budget 80s horror movies that helped to fill the shelves of video store horror sections back in the day. Treading a strange line between the horrific, the dreamlike and the comedic, it's definitely a product of it's time featuring lots of splashy gore , rubbery monster effects and soft focus dreamy bits. Like so much 80s US horror product, it's seems to steal it's surreal, fever dream atmosphere from Suspiria,...
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Scrubbers - Scum in tights!

Posted 24th April 2009 at 07:14 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


A female response to the borstal classic Scum, Scrubbers follows two girls who escape from an open youth prison. Annetta longs to see her daughter who is being cared for by a convent while Carol wants to be recaptured so she can return to the high security prison where her girlfriend is being held. Carol's wish comes true when she is apprehended and returned to custody, but her world is shattered when she finds out that her lover, Doreen,...
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Welcome to Franchise hell ... Hellraiser 1-3

Posted 24th April 2009 at 06:54 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Clive Barker's seminal horror movie Hellraiser, is a gore drenched yarn about a man, Frank, who becomes trapped in a hell dimension of perfect pain when he messes around with a cursed mechanical box. On solving the puzzle of the cube he his dragged into the realm of the Cenobites, a race of S&M demons who pierce and tear at his flesh with spiked chains, torturing him to a state of agonizing ecstasy. Our violent anti-hero returns to the earthly...
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Dracula - The Disco Years

Posted 24th April 2009 at 06:23 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


A late 70s, big budget studio take on the Dracula tale starring a vampire lord whose style is more Discotastic Barry Manilow then broodingly Gothic Bela Lugosi. Frank Langella is the brooding count in this beautifully staged if campy version of Bram Stoker's classic horror tale of blood sucking terror.

When a ship is grounded off the coast of Whitby the only survivor is Count Dracula. He has arrived with a big consignment of...
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Madmen & Maniacs

Posted 24th April 2009 at 04:59 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


"Deep In The Woods, Lurks A Hideous Evil... Don't Even Whisper His Name!"

A minor classic of the stalk 'n' slash movie explosion that followed in the wake of Halloween and Friday the 13th, Madman plays to every cliché in the slasher movie book but pulls it off thanks to it's streak of nasty gore, a suspense filled atmosphere and a fast pace, a must when your dealing with illogical horror movies. So many films of the era suffered...
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More Creakiness...

Posted 24th April 2009 at 03:01 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 22nd April 2010 at 08:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Curse of the Crimson Altar

Second division horror from the Hammer Studio's chief rivals, Tigon,The Curse of the Crimson Altar features three of the horror genres biggest stars, Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee and Euro-Scream Queen, Barbara Steele, in a campy witchcraft tale for fans of kitsch 60s gothic.

Mark Eden plays Robert Manning, a man who finds out that his brother, Peter, has mysteriously disappeared. Robert visits an isolated...
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Corridors of Blood

Posted 24th April 2009 at 02:37 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Corridors of blood

Karloff returned to classy British horror in the late 50s after 25 years with the grisly Victorian gothic of 'Corridors of Blood'.

Karloff plays a surgeon troubled by the agony caused by his craft as effective anaesthesia has yet to be developed. His experiments into finding a solution bare fruit when he makes laughing gas but his demonstration in front of his peers goes wrong when a patient wakes up half way through...
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Creaky Thrills...

Posted 24th April 2009 at 02:13 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Night of the Eagle

A sensible university academic played by Peter Wyngarde is looking forward to a bright future until he finds out that his wife has been concealing magical charms around their home, believing that they will protect and bring good luck. He tells her to destroy them but this turns out to be a grave error as his luck is about to change, bringing a whole mess of trouble.

A quirky old fashioned little spook show, Night of the Eagle plays up to the old cliches...
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Dreaming of Screaming

Posted 23rd April 2009 at 02:41 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Dreaming of Screaming

Sam@Shameless writes...

"My friend's Lee & Tuesday Burgess along with John Ninnis have made a movie. Hopefully I can persuade them to post regularly on Cult Labs, as they're always busy with some weird movie or other, but until then, here's Lee's piece on their project..."

"Well hello all perverted gore fans.

I have been asked to write a few words on the debut feature from Lee Burgess, John Ninnis and Tuesday Burgess,...
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Ropey old British horror...

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 05:31 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Blood Beast Terror

A shaky but fun slice of British Schlock from the Tigon studio, who brought such classics as Witchfinder General and Blood On Satan's Claw to the screen. Although this cheap programmer isn't in the same league as those movies, it's still a good watch for fans of the ropier end of Brit horror thanks to the ridiculous concept of a "were-moth" on a killing rampage, combined with Peter Cushing, as ever remaining quietly dignified...
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The Beast Must Die

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 05:15 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Beast Must Die

Extremely naff but riotously funny British horror movie from the mid 70s which features a silly gimmick that B-movie hustler William Castle, producer of prop heavy 50s drive-in shockers like The Tingler, would have been proud of...

This strange horror movie asks the audience at the top of the film to try and identify the lupine fiend responsible for a spate of bloody killings and then pauses for a "Werewolf Break" at...
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Peeping Tom

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 05:06 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Peeping Tom

Director Michael Powell went from being a darling of the British film industry to a virtual pariah with this difficult and, at the time of it's release, deeply controversial proto-slasher.

Mark Lewis is a seemingly ordinary young man with an evil secret...he loves to kill women and capture the agonies of their final moments in film. As a child his father, a scientist, performed some nasty experiments on Mark's nervous system...
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Near Dark

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 04:56 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Near Dark

A compelling and stylish 80s vampire flick that beats The Lost Boys hands down in terms of character, action and gore, Near Dark tells the story of a gang of bloodsuckers who don't come from a noble line of high born vampires. They aren't rich and louche, they never hang out in pricey Gothic nightclubs, there's no great vampiric conspiracy and they don't live in plush penthouses. Near Dark is about white trash vampires, and it's all the more...
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Fu Manchu

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 04:42 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Jess Franco's Fu Manchu Movies

Clip from Blood of Fu Manchu

Christopher Lee turns in another couple stern faced performances as the racially dubious Far Eastern criminal mastermind Fu Manchu, a character who would have fitted perfectly into the Bond Movies of the 1960s. At the Helm of these late entries in the Fu Manchu cycle is sleaze kingpin Jess Franco, whose career was peaking at the time thanks to the patronage of Producer Harry...
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Martial Madness...

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 04:31 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Hanzo the Razor

Having shelled out top dollar for a pricey import, these three notorious and slightly dubious Japanese exploitation movies are now available in the UK.

These are Katzu productions, the same people who brought us the Lone Wolf & Cub (Shogun Assassin) and Lady Snowblood pictures. Hanzo is a samurai police officer in the Edo period of Japanese history. Unlike his fellow officers however, he is above corruption, which causes...
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Bad Boy Bubby

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 04:09 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Bad Boy Bubby

A real Australian oddity from the early 90s, Bad Boy Bubby takes that quirky, slightly off kilter style that you find in even the most mainstream of Antipodean movies and runs with it, creating a bleak, sick and funny movie which may well appall some viewers but will find a home with horror fans who have a taste for the bizarre.

Bubby is a bad, bad boy. His mother has kept him locked away for 30 years, telling him that the air outside...
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Hammer Bits Part 4

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 01:57 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Witches

More production line horror fun from the Hammer Studio now, with The Witches, a scary vehicle for Actress Joan Fontaine who plays a school teacher struck by a nervous breakdown following an unpleasant run in with voodoo witchcraft while teaching in Africa.

When she returns to Britain she is hired by a rich family to become head teacher at a small private school in an isolated rural village. In classic Hammer style the villagers...
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Hammer Bits Part 3

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 01:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Cheesy Hammer entertainment that steps away from horror and attempts to bring the work of H. Rider Haggard to the screen. Haggard wrote many a boys-own adventure romp in the 19th century with books like King Solomon's Mines and She being made into successful movies. She is definitely a kitsch, low budget entry in the canon of high adventure films and tells the dangerous tale of two men discharged from the army after WW1 in Palestine.

One is kidnapped and...
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Hammer Bits Part 2

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 01:53 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Quatermass and the Pit

Hammer produced an excellent cinematic re-spin of the groundbreaking TV Sci-Fi with this late 60s offering. It's packed with suspense and intelligent writing despite the obvious age of the movie, especially in the special effects department. Anyone seeking out this film will probably be prepared to overlook any creakiness caused by it's elderly status and will hopefully be able to throw themselves right into this spirited and...
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Hammer Bits Part 1

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 09:27 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Plague of the Zombies

Although not as well known as the studio's Dracula and Frankenstein movies, Hammer's Plague of the Zombies rates as one of their most satisfying productions, managing to balance the delightful camp that we all ironically enjoy 40 years after the fact with some real chills.

Opening on some stereotypical voodoo rituals*, we move swiftly on to James Forbes, a medical professor who has received a letter from a former...
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Scraping The Cannibal Barrel...

Posted 22nd April 2009 at 08:57 AM by Sam@Cult Labs

Deep River Savages

Made a good few years before the late 70s / early 80s spate of gut munching cannibal epics, Deep River Savages might be described as a ground breaking feat of cinematic innovation in an alternate universe. On this planet however, it's a tawdry slice of eurotrash exploitation that, although not as graphic as later entries in the genre cycle which upped the atrocity footage to extreme levels, stills packs a nasty punch.
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Redemption & Salavation Review Explosion Part 3

Posted 21st April 2009 at 08:25 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Cold Eyes of Fear

London set Giallo thriller with a great funky score form Ennio Morricone. A head scratching mess of a film featuring some truly horrendous London accents dubbed into the mouths of bottom rung actors. This shouldn't put of the trash cinema fan however, as the tacky plot and wacky ideas come thick and fast in this deliriously silly shocker. Gang fights, sexy murders staged for clapping audiences and hilariously executed threats from...
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Redemption & Salavation Review Explosion Part 2

Posted 21st April 2009 at 08:21 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Iron Rose

A rather more obscure entry in the Jean Rollin's canon of arty 70s horror movies that drops the dreamy lesbian softcore and vampiric Gothic of his more famous efforts for fog shrouded, creeping menace and bloodless terror. Following a tiring bike ride a young couple on a romantic date sneak into a abandoned tomb to make love but they find themselves trapped for the night surrounded by the graves and crypts of a huge cemetery. They frantically...
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Redemption & Salavation Review Explosion Part 1

Posted 21st April 2009 at 08:18 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Salvation/Redemption Capsule Reviews

From my time writing for a "well known high street chain"...

I won monthly prizes for the sheer volume of reviews I posted to their website. Bearing this in mind, please allow for some repetition in these pieces as they were meant to be viewed by customers browsing individual titles rather than en masse.

Requiem For a Vampire

Vampiric eroticism from French Sapphic bloodsucker...
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I'm a Cyborg

Posted 20th April 2009 at 07:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I'm a Cyborg

The reason so many of us gravitated to extreme Asian Cinema at the turn of the decade must partly have been due to boredom. Weary of the genre rules of Hollywood horror and action movies we searched out new kicks in the form of nerve jangling J-horror ghost yarns, Takashi Miikes surreal and vicious gangster fantasies or the downbeat art-shocks of Kim Ki-Duk.

But, like all new fads, the media led invasion of Far East entertainment...
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Empire of the Ants

Posted 20th April 2009 at 06:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Empire of the Ants

This trailer is a peach! Note the bold and laughable attempt to align to movie with H.G.Wells.

Marvel at the brilliantly awful giant ants!

Killer ants are on the loose in this fantastically silly shocker from Producer Samuel Z. Arkoff, a legend in the world of Drive-In films, who with his company, American International Pictures, produced some of the greatest cinematic trash from the golden era of junk...
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Race With The Devil

Posted 20th April 2009 at 06:38 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Race With The Devil

Peter Fonda was a cultural icon back in the early 70s as the fall out from his groundbreaking feature Easy Rider continued, allowing the actor to work on whatever project he pleased. After teaming up with Warren Oates for the Hippie-Western The Hired Hand, the pair worked together again on this low budget, Drive-in exploitation movie.

Although it keeps any violence or gore to minimum, instead focusing on bike stunts...
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City of the Living Dead

Posted 20th April 2009 at 05:55 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

City of the Living Dead

Judging a Lucio Fulci movie by the usual standards of a mainstream film magazine or academic criticism is a useless exercise. You either get these flicks or you don't. Fulci's movies are weirdly paced, shoddily dubbed and, in a lot of cases, hard to love, but, whatever genre he was working in (and he covered the whole range of Italian B picture trash), he always bought a certain flair and imagination to his low budget enterprises...
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Female Prisoner No.701 Scorpion - Beast Stable

Posted 20th April 2009 at 05:41 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Female Prisoner No.701 Scorpion - Beast Stable

That's the great thing about Japsploitation... Even the Trailer are a work of art!

The third installment of the Prisoner Scorpion saga sees Sasori, the borderline psychotic heroine of the series, on the run from the authorities in a film that reverses the previous format by having The Scorpion fleeing from the law, only returning to jail for the final act.

This change of pace...
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Daughters of Satan (Magnum P.I. fights Satan! 'Tache Factor 10!)

Posted 20th April 2009 at 05:20 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Daughters of Satan

You loved him as the Hawaiian shirt rocking P.I. in Magnum...

You shook with laughter when he played the hapless father figure in Three Men & a Little Lady...

Now recoil in horror when yet another famous Hollywood player reveals his seamy exploitation, B-movie horror past as Tom Selleck stars in the early 70s satanic conspiracy thriller, Daughters of Satan.

Don't panic Selleck fans, Tom...
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Turkey Shoot (AKA Blood Camp Thatcher)

Posted 20th April 2009 at 05:08 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Turkey Shoot (Blood Camp Thatcher)

The Australians know how to make entertaining trash. Something in the national consciousness seems to infuse many of their mainstream movies, like the fantastic Priscilla Queen of the Desert and the glorious camp of Strictly Ballroom, with an off kilter goofiness that naturally lends itself to the seamy end of the cinematic world. When they make trash horror and sci-fi you end up with bizarre concoctions like Mad Max,...
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Posted 20th April 2009 at 04:48 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


I've always loved extremity when it comes to cinema. Not for me the pale bloodless horror of mainstream multiplex horror movies. I'll happily sit and watch movies that offend me. I think I want to be shocked, to shake myself out of my jaded cinematic reverie. From the hideous experiment camp horrors of 'Men Behind The sun' to the brutal flip-flop of Rape-Revenge conventions in the French art-shock movie 'Irreversible', the power of film to...
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New York Hardcore

Posted 18th April 2009 at 08:59 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

New York Hardcore

Visit the NYHC Myspace here...NYHC

Every city needs a scene where the kids that don't fit can thrive. New York Hardcore is a documentary that examines one such movement, the harsh and brutal bastard offspring of punk rock, metal and Hip-hop that is NY Hardcore. Although in the last decade the style has been diluted by the mainstream, as the rise of Nu-metal took many of the ideas and morphed them into a teen-angst friendly, unit shifting...
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Music Things

Posted 15th April 2009 at 01:33 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 15th April 2009 at 01:45 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Hello Readers!

Some of you may have noticed a creepy old man is writing about obscure music.

Clearly, this is me fooling around, making fun of old prog rock and generally attempting to create an alternate fake history of music.

There's a couple of reasons for doing this...

Firstly, having spent years reading Mojo, Shindig and Record Collector, as well as endless music biographies, I felt there was some mileage in taking rock history, throwing...
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Posted 12th April 2009 at 01:49 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I'm a big believer in cinema as a taboo buster.

Certain topics are guaranteed to rankle a viewer and put them on edge from the off, regardless of the special effects, frightening monsters or atmospheric locale. Religion, children, animal cruelty and anything to do with race or nazism were always sure fire ways for a tatty little exploiter to draw attention to itself and the same applies to art-shock flicks, those movies that needle an audience with outrageous imagery but then claim...
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Happy Easter. Cinematic Sacrilege.

Posted 12th April 2009 at 12:47 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

It's Easter so lets celebrate the season by talking about a film that deal with Christianity in mind scratching way.

Passion of the Christ

This odious movie was released while I was working in City Cinema, a now defunct picture house in my home town of Newport. Because it ran for so long, I had the dubious honour of watching the film several times and it never failed to stun me with it's casual racism and tasteless gore.

In retrospect, the film reflects...
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1984 The Video Recording Act and How it Empowered a Generation!

Posted 7th April 2009 at 02:51 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 7th April 2009 at 03:02 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Video Recording Act and How it Empowered a Generation!

Jaded horror fans like myself will sit through endless permutations of the genre, looking for new twists or artfully presented cliches. But why? Ever ask yourself what makes you seek out all this strange, sick stuff?

For me, a lifetime of cult viewing started in the early 80s when a vast and unwieldy top loading VCR landed like an alien presence in the family living room.

My Dad had brought two...
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Capricorn One

Posted 5th April 2009 at 10:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Capricorn One

Capricorn One is a slice of 70s Sci-Fi paranoia in which Hollywood takes one of the ultimate conspiracy theories - that the moon landings were faked - and moves the action to a martian styled TV Studio. After a peak in popularity for the space programme in the late 60s, a decline in interest, a series of costly and embarrassing mistakes, and an public increasingly cynical about traveling to the stars when serious issues on planet Earth needed attending to, has left...
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Blue Jean Cop

Posted 5th April 2009 at 10:34 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Blue Jean Cop

Also known as Shakedown, this late 80s urban crime action movie is a riotous trash masterpiece from James Glckenhaus, the man who brought us such vigilante wet dreams as The Exterminator and bottom shelf military wank fantasies like The Soldier.

While The Exterminator is a low budget sleaze epic that wallows in the grime and misery of crime ridden New York and uses it's cheap presentation as an advantage in order to take the viewer into a cinematic world...
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Posted 5th April 2009 at 08:30 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 5th April 2009 at 09:39 PM by Sam@Cult Labs


Masterful director Kaneto Shindo created two haunting classics in the late 60s with Onibaba and Kurenko, a pair of films that explored the theme of female vengeance in the Edo era of Japanese history. While both deal with the aftermath of sexual abuse at the hands of wandering Samurai, Kurenko is the more surreal and dreamlike of the two.

Drawing, like so many Japanese 'horror' films of the era, on traditional folklore, in this case...
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Orloff Against the Invisible Man

Posted 5th April 2009 at 08:25 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Orloff Against the Invisible Man

In which French director Pierre Chevalier attempts to seamlessly rip off the work of Jess Franco, the Spanish master of sex fueled Gothic horror. Orloff Against the Invisible Man sees Euro-Sleaze legend Howard Vernon return to the role he first played for Franco in The Awful Dr Orloff. Vernon, despite lending his name to some howlingly awful trash, is never less than gripping on screen. His craggy, hangdog face and demented eyes are perfect for this...
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Flavia The Heretic

Posted 5th April 2009 at 08:18 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Flavia the Heretic

Delving into the mire of Euro-sleaze and exploitation can dredge up some reprehensible, taboo busting sub-genre's of film and there's nothing quite so troubling than the Catholic baiting wonder of a full bodied Nunsploitation flick.

At their best these glorious examples of sacrilegious cinema attack the church on an intellectual level as well as filling their running time with enough sex, nudity and torture as possible. It's little wonder that the...
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Rosemary's Killer

Posted 5th April 2009 at 07:59 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Rosemary's Killer

This trailer is under the alternate title: The Prowler

This film is a minor classic of the Stalk 'n' Slash genre and is going to praised accordingly. However, the positive points I'm going to raise depend on the reader enjoying the cliches and archetypes of the style. So, If you hate any of these stalwart slasher features, please disregard this write up...

* Leering, lurching Point-of-View...
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The Sorcerers

Posted 5th April 2009 at 07:38 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

The Sorcerers

Michael Reeves died tragically in the late 60s from an overdose of Barbiturates having completed only three films, films that singled him out as a major talent in the industry. Had he lived, then most of those who worked with him agree that he would have gone on to be a Hollywood major player.

He first directed She-Beast, a rather amateurish low budget B flick that showed he had the tenacity in getting...
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Snuff: A Documentary about Killing on Camera

Posted 5th April 2009 at 07:31 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 5th April 2009 at 09:39 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Snuff: A Documentary about Killing on Camera

Urban Myth or Harsh Reality? The debate about Snuff movies has always been so. When Charlie Sheen made a fool of himself over the Japanese Guinea Pig series of hyperreal gore flicks, he was one of a long line of people taken in by explicit acts of staged violence in underground horror movies.

From the mixture of found footage and staged scenes that made up the notorious Faces of Death franchise, the staked lady and animal...
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Switchblade Sisters

Posted 5th April 2009 at 07:26 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Switchblade Sisters, like the best of US exploitation movies, exists in it's own strange universe. It's a world where the harsh realities of teenage gang membership are put through a surreal filter, creating a bizarre urban fantasy that jars the viewer as it's flits back and forth between the unintentional comedy of the performances and the sadistic nastiness inherent in the subject matter. In that regard it could be seen as a companion piece to The Warriors, another film that shines gangland reality...
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Trip with Teacher

Posted 5th April 2009 at 07:17 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 5th April 2009 at 09:40 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

This piece short piece was written before the unfortunate demise of Woolworths.

I used to love visiting the Newport store, where you could always find some quirky cult oddity lurking amongst the cheap rip off re-makes of Disney cartoons, ancient and exceptionally unarousing erotic thrillers starring Jeff Fahey and those riveting Carp Fishing videos.

Who can complain about Driller Killer, complete with the directors cynical commentary, for 97p?

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Valley of the Dolls

Posted 5th April 2009 at 07:00 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 5th April 2009 at 08:03 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

Reposted from the tragically defunct DVDisgo...

Valley of the Dolls

During the extra features on the Cinema Reserve special edition of Valley of the Dolls, one of the hacks dragged in to hype this rather fine exercise in big budget lunacy states that the definition of a camp movie is one that doesn't set out to be over the top, garish or silly. A camp movie should never be self-conscious and it certainly shouldn't wink...
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The Frightened Woman (and some ramblings...)

Posted 5th April 2009 at 06:34 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Updated 5th April 2009 at 07:46 PM by Sam@Cult Labs

I used to write a moderately successful blog on Myspace called DVDisgo until the powers that be removed it for reasons unknown.

Since then I've been waiting for a good place to start blogging again so here we are. This is just a test to see how the site works.

Here's an old review...

60s Italian Sexploitation of the highest order, The Frightened Woman is a visual feast of weirdness and arty sleaze from director Piero Schivazappa, a man who went on to...
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