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Nosferatu@Cult Labs 11th May 2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by PaulD (Post 149859)

It was basically that except as one block of text without the hyperlinks and formatting which that one now has. It was clearly moved sometime today and put in with the rest of the information and documentation which is why the original link doesn't work.

Thanks very much for finding that and posting it.

platostotal 11th May 2011 07:34 PM

many thanks to 'PaulD' for re-finding it, makes encouraging reading, almost like the bbfc will now be even helping out us horror fans by only cutting when they absolutley have to, if so that's superb news for shed load of nasties and other snipped 18 rated films, no need to make meaningless cuts to 'adult' rated films on disc anymore, god i hope this sticks, with only sexual violence that is clearly meant to be erotic a big problem, tho animals scenes wich are prolonged will still go, christ, i sound like a spokesman for the bbfc, sorry bout that, just a happy puppy...see you in the que to buy 'holocaust' in september.

Stephen@Cult Labs 11th May 2011 07:38 PM

Hmmmm, only "when they have to"? that should read, "only when a scene contravines the law". That's when I'll be truly happy!

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 11th May 2011 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs (Post 149879)
Hmmmm, only "when they have to"? that should read, "only when a scene contravines the law". That's when I'll be truly happy!

Too true. All too often films are being cut because they contravene 'BBFC guidelines' or 'BBFC policy' rather than British law.

platostotal 11th May 2011 10:13 PM

yep, couldn't agree more...but, the turtle scene going thru intact seems to signal some sort of seed change at the bbfc, i would have bet huge dosh at the bookies that the turtle and monkey scene would never see the light of day in a 18 uk release, so it's hard to see them snipping every bloody action movie of a few seconds to justify their existence anymore, be funny if all this is because some bbfc matey's on holiday and a welfare to work peep has been left in charge due to gov. Budget cuts, heh heh.

Stephen@Cult Labs 12th May 2011 02:59 AM

Sorry to go off topic here, but wouldn't it be a pisstake if Shameless contacted the BBFC advisory board again and were now told that New York Ripper would get through uncut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

platostotal 12th May 2011 05:20 AM

good point 'Stephen', Fulci's 'nightmare concert' banned outright in 98/99 passed uncut few years later, why censorship is so daft, be cool to see Shameless get hold of 'Ferox' and submit it, just cause 'Holocaust' is the much better work shouldn't mean it gets an easier ride, snake/muskrat scene would still go but Kerova's end might squeak thru as more torture than erotic, but won't hold my breath, interesting none the less to see how their treatment would compare, just off now to have some turtle soup.

Rotten 12th May 2011 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by platostotal (Post 149928)
good point 'Stephen', Fulci's 'nightmare concert' banned outright in 98/99 passed uncut few years later, why censorship is so daft, be cool to see Shameless get hold of 'Ferox' and submit it, just cause 'Holocaust' is the much better work shouldn't mean it gets an easier ride, snake/muskrat scene would still go but Kerova's end might squeak thru as more torture than erotic, but won't hold my breath, interesting none the less to see how their treatment would compare, just off now to have some turtle soup.

Agreed, would love to see a yellow box on Ferox

platostotal 12th May 2011 12:12 PM

indeed, what a box set 'ferox' and 'holo' would be, a must buy if ever there was one, on an almost bizzare off topic, I saw that the bbfc where advertising for staff to help in their archive dept, so yes... I sent off my c.v. via e-mail, how's that for off-topic, I will post further when/if anything comes of it, if you fancy it, only restriction is over 18's only, now off to hide from flames and zombies sent by members.

antmumford 12th May 2011 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by platostotal (Post 149983)
indeed, what a box set 'ferox' and 'holo' would be, a must buy if ever there was one, on an almost bizzare off topic, I saw that the bbfc where advertising for staff to help in their archive dept, so yes... I sent off my c.v. via e-mail, how's that for off-topic, I will post further when/if anything comes of it, if you fancy it, only restriction is over 18's only, now off to hide from flames and zombies sent by members.

That's a great idea to apply. I was going to look into it if I was to lose my current job. You get to watch uncut films all day, what better job could you ask for? :rolleyes:

Daemonia 12th May 2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by platostotal (Post 149928)
good point 'Stephen', Fulci's 'nightmare concert' banned outright in 98/99 passed uncut few years later, why censorship is so daft, be cool to see Shameless get hold of 'Ferox' and submit it, just cause 'Holocaust' is the much better work shouldn't mean it gets an easier ride, snake/muskrat scene would still go but Kerova's end might squeak thru as more torture than erotic, but won't hold my breath, interesting none the less to see how their treatment would compare, just off now to have some turtle soup.

Ferox would be viewed completely differently, I suspect. There's the element of cruelty present in most of the scenes of animal violence. Stabbing of the pig etc.

nekromantik 12th May 2011 03:51 PM

i not seen ferox heard its pretty bad :lol:

This is a truly a landmark for British censorship :)
I would love to know what reason the BBFC would give for the turtle scene to be not animal cruelty.

platostotal 12th May 2011 03:58 PM

they seem to say that it was killed quickly and eaten, so no suffering, wonder if the same aplies to actors or justin beiber, heh heh.

nekromantik 12th May 2011 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by platostotal (Post 150053)
they seem to say that it was killed quickly and eaten, so no suffering, wonder if the same aplies to actors or justin beiber, heh heh.

ha ha
thats clearly not true you can see it is suffering.
If it was killed first in a humane way then cut open then yes it would be no suffering. but thats just my view.

platostotal 12th May 2011 04:14 PM

look for 'PaulD's post on this thread for a link to detailed reason for the passing of the turtle scene uncut, I find the scene sad myself, I might watch it later to see if their description is as i remember, and yes ferox is a true nasty, tho giovani is a hoot as coke addeled baddie.

trench 12th May 2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 150054)
ha ha
thats clearly not true you can see it is suffering.
If it was killed first in a humane way then cut open then yes it would be no suffering. but thats just my view.

The head was severed from the body pretty cleanly, the turtle won't have known what happened to the rest of its body after that, any movement is simply motor-function. Put it like this, if someone cut your head off in one go (save for a little skin), then started hacking up your body do you think you would suffer? I don't, because you wouldn't feel anything.

nekromantik 12th May 2011 05:15 PM

yes but it still suffered in those few seconds of getting its head chopped off.
i am knitpicking but I am a vegi after all :lol:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 12th May 2011 06:33 PM

The turtle's scene is not so different from the one with the chicken in Hidden as that was a 'quick kill' and you can clearly see the chicken moving long after its head was removed.

Pete 12th May 2011 06:36 PM

The snake in BLOODY MOON is decapitated but it's head is still moving when the camera zooms in on it.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 12th May 2011 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pete (Post 150122)
The snake in BLOODY MOON is decapitated but it's head is still moving when the camera zooms in on it.

That's true -- was it dead at the time or are snakes like worms? I would guess that the former is the case and the movement was just a motor reflex. However, I would bow to the judgement of someone who owns snakes and knows a great deal about them.

platostotal 12th May 2011 08:06 PM

had a friend years ago who had a book on snakes and lizards, think it was that a snake can still move for up to 10 days if decapitated, the body doesn't bleed to death like normal and it's nerves think it's still alive, same might aply to the head, tho would not be sure.

Daemonia 13th May 2011 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 150048)
i not seen ferox heard its pretty bad :lol:

It is bad. I mean, it's a bad movie. Bad, but funny (animal cruelty aside). It's like Lenzi was determined to outdo Deodato, but missed the whole social commentary thing, so you just end up with a very silly but very nasty movie.

How can you resist a film that includes gems of dialogue like:

'There's something I can't quite figure out...'
'What's that?'
'I don't know.'

I mean, c'mon, who wrote that script??


Nosferatu@Cult Labs 13th May 2011 07:46 AM

You're right -- it is not a great cannibal movie and that dialogue you quoted is fairly typical of the exchanges within. Actually, looking at those three lines, they could easily be from something like The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra!

nekromantik 13th May 2011 10:21 AM

ha ha
I must this it out then if it has dialogue like that :lol:

Daemonia 14th May 2011 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 150429)
ha ha
I must this it out then if it has dialogue like that :lol:

Ferox is a repulsive movie if you don't like animal cruelty, it's far more protracted than in CH.

But, John Morghen loses so many body parts you wonder how long he can live!


Mojo 14th May 2011 08:26 AM

The BBFC decision is excellent...but it also makes their contunued cutting of films such as The New York Ripper even more frustrating. After all, the scene involved, although gruesome, does not break any law and is not real. The animal violence in CH is.

If the BBFC can now leave real life violence uncensored, surely their is no case for cutting special effects violence in films like NYR?

DeHumph 16th May 2011 03:58 PM

Motor-reflex twitches aside, something that troubles me is the squealing of the Pig after being shot. Surely indicating a far from quick or humane death. I've never seen the Muskrat/Coatimundi sequence, but the squealing of the Pig was one of the most upsetting moments of animal violence for me. I mean it was enough to make one of the actors completely fluff up his lines, as evident in this interview.

The moment itself is featured, so proceed with caution.

Make Them Die Slowly 16th May 2011 07:41 PM

Blimey, this thread reads like the long lost Snuff episode of "Animal Magic";)

platostotal 16th May 2011 07:56 PM

Just glad our friends at the Animal Liberation Front aren't posting on here. Hope the mods are on the lookout for avatars with beret wearing cabbage munchers. Just joking if there are any of course, heh heh.

Rotten 17th May 2011 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by DeHumph (Post 151207)
Motor-reflex twitches aside, something that troubles me is the squealing of the Pig after being shot. Surely indicating a far from quick or humane death. I've never seen the Muskrat/Coatimundi sequence, but the squealing of the Pig was one of the most upsetting moments of animal violence for me. I mean it was enough to make one of the actors completely fluff up his lines, as evident in this interview.

The moment itself is featured, so proceed with caution.

YouTube - Cannibal Holocaust - Gabriel York Interview Part 3

Where is this interview from, please?

Pete 17th May 2011 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Rotten (Post 151360)
Where is this interview from, please?

The US Grindhouse dvd. :)

DeHumph 17th May 2011 10:07 AM

Here's the full interview in better quality.

YouTube - Cannibal Holocaust - Interview with Gabriel Yorke

Rotten 17th May 2011 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pete (Post 151362)
The US Grindhouse dvd. :)

Thanks Pete, Must search a copy of that edition out.

Rotten 17th May 2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by DeHumph (Post 151384)
Here's the full interview in better quality.

YouTube - Cannibal Holocaust - Interview with Gabriel Yorke

thanks DeHumph, very interesting

Jonny114 21st May 2011 11:25 AM

It's good thats it going to be released with 14 seconds of cuts but as Ive already got the grindhouse fully uncut version i don't see the point. Unless if it's released on blue ray then I will buy it.

Stephen@Cult Labs 21st May 2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jonny114 (Post 152148)
It's good thats it going to be released with 14 seconds of cuts but as Ive already got the grindhouse fully uncut version i don't see the point. Unless if it's released on blue ray then I will buy it.

It's being released on blu-ray Jonny. :)

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 21st May 2011 12:42 PM

Not only is it been released on BD, it also has an exclusive new edit of the film by Ruggero Deodato, something which I'm really looking forward to seeing.

RoXX0rz 22nd May 2011 08:18 PM

Looking forward to see this new edit myself! :nod:

platostotal 22nd May 2011 09:36 PM

A Blu-ray and Deodato's edit (though he might just trim the animal scenes) make it a must for U.K fans. Jeez, a 1080p print of 'Holocaust' glad I hung in there long enough, or are we all just having a group hallucination. Be sure to grab a copy in September quick before some twat of a M.P. demands a return to our video burning past. Off for a turtle curry and chips.:woot:

Sarah@Cult Labs 26th May 2011 02:42 PM

Interesting piece on the BBC website in which Deodato debates censorship and Cannibal Holocaust!

BBC News - 'Video nasty' director Deodato debates censorship

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