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Old 10th August 2013, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I may come across as anti Blu-ray in my posts, but I am one who has pretty much gone completely Blu-ray myself, but the arrogance and the snobbery of some Blu-ray fans and their attitude towards DVD is what I abhor.
Yeah, I totally fail to comprehend the mindset of folk on here who refuse to buy dvds now. As a film fan, the film is the most important thing to me. I couldn't really give a toss if it is only made available on dvd. Blu Ray is still a nice, non-essential bonus for me. People are strange...
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Old 10th August 2013, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
I stand corrected, I thought the Shameless release was the only one, my apologies to Shel

Has it got forced French subs does anyone know?

It hasnt got forced subs and peeps saying it came from same source as Shameless version so any complaints applied to French version pq are present on Shameless (haven't made comparison myself).

Originally Posted by Slippery Jack View Post
Yeah, I totally fail to comprehend the mindset of folk on here who refuse to buy dvds now. As a film fan, the film is the most important thing to me. I couldn't really give a toss if it is only made available on dvd. Blu Ray is still a nice, non-essential bonus for me. People are strange...
There's so many great movies being released on blu ray you could do with having a small fortune to keep up before even getting into dvds (ironically a lot of Shameless dvds are more expensive than blu rays - doesn't give much incentive). Not to mention sods law when you buy a dvd only for someone to announce it coming as blu ray soon after (been there!).

A lot of these dvd only movies are availble via various streaming services so you can't blame anyone that are content with opting to watch the lossy streamed version until whenever / if a blu ray is announced.
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Old 10th August 2013, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post

This may (and has already started to) shift more towards the online market, but as for Blu-ray, aside from collectors, the market is very small, and may get even smaller with the rise in streaming and on-demand services.
Its the other way around. People who dont care about PQ are opting into streaming whilst those do are buying blu rays. There's sales evidence to show that dvd sales are on the decrease the blu ray share is increasing (constant growth shown in 2013). Streaming is cannibalising dvd sales not blu rays.
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Old 10th August 2013, 11:16 AM
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One of the new titles sounds alright so it could of been worse. As for the BD or DVD choice i still watch a lot of pan and scan VHS and Beta so to me DVD is a cool format that does the job.
I sometimes think fans become more interested in aspect ratios and picture quality than just enjoying a good film. Fans have gotten spoilt basically.
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Old 10th August 2013, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Slippery Jack View Post
Yeah, I totally fail to comprehend the mindset of folk on here who refuse to buy dvds now. As a film fan, the film is the most important thing to me. I couldn't really give a toss if it is only made available on dvd. Blu Ray is still a nice, non-essential bonus for me. People are strange...
Certainly for new titles its an easier choice, do I pay £10 for the dvd or £13 for the blu-ray? With the prices of both formats so close now it seems better value for money to spend the little extra for the improved audio and transfer.

I've been blu-ray only for a while now and thankfully managed to sell off all my dvd movies before they started selling for a pound each on ebay

The only dvds I still buy are TV series which may well never see an HD release
but having watched blu-rays for this long I find dvd transfers to be pretty poor in comparison but that might just be my own preference.

I think the more time goes on it's inevitable that companies will switch to blu-ray only for many of their releases although it may then switch to downloads only eventually, which I'm sure none of us want.

What I do find strange however is when companies release the same films over again on dvd when there are already decent versions in other territories when they could have had the option of being the first release to hit blu-ray and at least have something unique to offer.
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Old 10th August 2013, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by shel View Post

There's a good reason why Arrow (and other successful UK labels like SecondSight) release everything (but the odd arrowdrome dvd) on blu ray - that's where the collectors demand is. There's a reason why Arrow's output has dramatically increased over the years because they're taking advantage both of the hd format and increasing their online presence.

The reason companies are only releasing Blu's of films is because in the majority of cases the films are already widely available on dvd in the UK.

The ones that aren't come out as dual format.

The latest sales figures only show blu-ray as being 13% of total UK sales. Streaming is taking over the rental market rather than the collecting one at the moment.
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Old 10th August 2013, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by shel View Post
(ironically a lot of Shameless dvds are more expensive than blu rays - doesn't give much incentive).
I suggest trying a different shop! Aren't they all pretty much easily available under a tenner? Most are £5-7 in Fopp . . .
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Old 10th August 2013, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
The reason companies are only releasing Blu's of films is because in the majority of cases the films are already widely available on dvd in the UK.

The ones that aren't come out as dual format.

The latest sales figures only show blu-ray as being 13% of total UK sales. Streaming is taking over the rental market rather than the collecting one at the moment.
If that's the case I wonder if arrow etc will set up some type of streaming service because most of the movies we like on this forum we can't get from streaming sites, hey me personally I would much rather have a nice box with some great extras, which is something we won't see on streaming. But it is the future for better or worse but blu will still be hear for a few more years, I would say at least 5 with the gen of consoles having blu ray drives.
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Old 10th August 2013, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
If that's the case I wonder if arrow etc will set up some type of streaming service because most of the movies we like on this forum we can't get from streaming sites, hey me personally I would much rather have a nice box with some great extras, which is something we won't see on streaming. But it is the future for better or worse but blu will still be hear for a few more years, I would say at least 5 with the gen of consoles having blu ray drives.
I'm sure both blu and dvd will be here in five years time. However i am also pretty sure that these formats will be the last we see.
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Old 10th August 2013, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
However i am also pretty sure that these formats will be the last we see.
Hopefully, I'm not upgrading for a third time!
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If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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