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Old 21st May 2018, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Do you still enjoy watching the Birds knowing now what Hitchcock put Tippi Hedren through during the shoot?
Funnily enough, that came to mind while I was writing the post because one of the reasons why the film is so uncomfortable to watch is because I know it's not just Melanie Daniels suffering in the scene, but because Hedren spent time in the hospital. It's a film I really appreciate, but my enjoyment has decreased over the years.

Similarly, you know how much I love The Exorcist; I know one instance when Ellen Burstyn screams in pain because she landed on her coccyx and was genuinely hurt, not acting and pretending to be in pain from being punched in the face by her 12-year-old daughter. I don't think she spent time in hospital or missed any time on set, but Friedkin (though he didn't intend Burstyn to land badly) chose a take which had the first realistic reaction to what Chris McNeil had experienced.
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Old 21st May 2018, 09:42 PM
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Yeah, the special FX guy pulled her back too hard leaving her with permanent damage to her lower back
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Old 21st May 2018, 09:49 PM
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Friedkin is someone who doesn't seem to give a damn about what anyone thinks about what he's doing or has done, something outlined in this piece about his upcoming documentary, The Devil and Father Amorth, in the Guardian:

He extends this doctrine of thick skin from his work to himself. At a time when the tide appears to be turning against directors prone to extreme, unorthodox methods – Quentin Tarantino, Lars Von Trier – the notoriously intense Friedkin has drawn some heat for past behaviors, and he’s not having it. He was known to fire blanks from a prop gun to get a realistically shocked reaction from some actors, and slapped another in the face before one take on The Exorcist. Ellen Burstyn sustained an injury to her tailbone during production, and has described Friedkin as a demanding collaborator in recent interviews looking back on the film. He tells it like this:

“[Ellen Burstyn] never lost a day’s work, let’s put it that way. There was no insurance claim, and she’s worked steadily ever since. I’m sure she was hurt by the fall – you fall on your backside, it’s gonna hurt – but she wasn’t injured. And for that I say, thank God.”
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Old 22nd May 2018, 01:39 PM
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I always differentiate between the artist and his or her work.

What happened during the shooting? Is the producer a pervert? Have animals been killed on set?

Seriously, I couldn't care less.

Maybe Egon Schiele had a relationship with a minor (we don't know for sure) - should we ignore his paintings?

Richard Wagner was an anti-Semite (that's a fact) - does this change his music?

Harvey Weinstein sexually exploited many women - is Pulp Fiction a different film now?
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Old 22nd May 2018, 01:52 PM
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For me, there's a difference between what might be going on in an artist's private life which I find distasteful and something which is on the screen in front of me. Harvey Weinstein producing Pulp Fiction or something which Roman Polanski did decades before making The Pianist is something I can, without any cognitive distance, separate from watching an animal being pointlessly and painfully killed on my TV screen.

In that sense, it there is a difference between separating the art from the artist when the art is praiseworthy but the artist isn't, and when the art itself is objectionable.
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Old 22nd May 2018, 02:18 PM
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So the specs are up for Cannibal Ferox

Special Features

A Taste of the Jungle: an interview with director Umberto Lenzi
Hell in the Jungle: an interview with Giovanni Lombardo Radice
Restoration Process for Cannibal Ferox
Cannibals and Carpet Fitter
s – a short film from 2015
Lenzi photo gallery
Limited Edition

Gotta say I find that pretty disappointing.

Now I have the Grindhouse release but was really looking for a reason to buy the UK one as well but there just doesn't seem to be one here for me.

Admittedly I have no idea what Cannibals and Carpet fitter is or the S - short film from 2015, but I just wish there was something substantial like a new commentary or documentary or just something here.
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Old 22nd May 2018, 02:26 PM
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Has it been confirmed yet that the cuts have been reduced to less than 30 seconds?
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Old 22nd May 2018, 02:47 PM
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The 'Cannibal Nightmare: Return to the Mountain of the Cannibal God' documentary is over 46 minutes long; in my book, that's fairly "substantial". This release may not be as laden with extra material as the Grindhouse Releasing one, but there's enough there to make me buy it.
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Old 22nd May 2018, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
The 'Cannibal Nightmare: Return to the Mountain of the Cannibal God' documentary is over 46 minutes long; in my book, that's fairly "substantial". This release may not be as laden with extra material as the Grindhouse Releasing one, but there's enough there to make me buy it.
The's on the 'Prisoner of the Cannibal God' release and not the Ferox one!
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Old 22nd May 2018, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
The's on the 'Prisoner of the Cannibal God' release and not the Ferox one!
Oops, mixing up two different cannibal films!

I'm quite interested by the 18 minute Cannibals and Carpet fitters short film, something I don't think I've seen before.
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