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tollickd 21st February 2011 09:07 AM

Just ordered A bay of blood and Vamp blu-rays!

Later I might pre-order THE BEYOND

nekromantik 21st February 2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Reaper@Cult Labs (Post 129505)
I don't think it did it any harm mate...

each to their own :)

kingofwitches666 21st February 2011 10:17 AM

Finally got round to watching my Synapse blu of Vampire Circus last night.
Absolutely brilliant, can't recommend this release enough, it looks fantastic & has a great set of extras to boot. I hope all future Hammer Movie releases in HD get the same treatment. :D

Also recieved my Unrated ISOYG (2010) from Amazon at the weekend, which I watched after Vampire Circus.
As far as the current crop of remakes are concerned, I thought this was one of the better ones. Some pretty brave performances, especially from Sarah Butler, & coupled with the Saw-esque disposals of the rapists, I thought it was a great film that did no disservice to the original & I think can be judged as a stand alone in it's own right. Pretty edgy in places too.

nekromantik 21st February 2011 07:26 PM

just got a voucher so placed me order for Paranormal Activity 2 blu :)

nekromantik 21st February 2011 07:28 PM

just got a voucher so placed me order for Paranormal Activity 2 blu :)

also recieved my I Spit remake US blu today

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 21st February 2011 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 130114)
just got a voucher so placed me order for Paranormal Activity 2 blu :)

I'd love to know what you think of it because it bored me senseless -- and I'm a big fan of the first one.

nekromantik 21st February 2011 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 130140)
I'd love to know what you think of it because it bored me senseless -- and I'm a big fan of the first one.

I saw it in cinema Nos, liked it :)
It did get a while to get going but was a good movie.
Guilty pleasure of mine the PA series.

gag 22nd February 2011 01:12 AM

I did it arse round saw P A 2 at the pics 1st quite enjoyed it then watched 1st on sky few days later....They are slow films but watchable at the same time..

PaulD 22nd February 2011 09:37 AM

Just bought the Arrow bluray of Day of the Dead from Price Minister. With the 'welcome' £5 off code it came to £6.09. Great stuff!

oaxaca 22nd February 2011 11:36 AM


bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 11:38 AM


Picnic at Hanging Rock looks fantastic in HD.

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 11:52 AM

Hellraiser blu looks awesome!

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 130275)
Hellraiser blu looks awesome!

Still need to pick up Hellraiser on Blu. May sound stupid, but I'm not that keen on the ABUK cover and much prefer teh ABUS one, so will probably get that. ;)

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 130208)
I did it arse round saw P A 2 at the pics 1st quite enjoyed it then watched 1st on sky few days later....They are slow films but watchable at the same time..

much better then the remakes out there.

oaxaca 22nd February 2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 130277)
Still need to pick up Hellraiser on Blu. May sound stupid, but I'm not that keen on the ABUK cover and much prefer teh ABUS one, so will probably get that. ;)

CEX have one left in stock online @ £5 which is a bit of a bargain... The US cover is pretty nice though, I know what your saying.

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 130277)
Still need to pick up Hellraiser on Blu. May sound stupid, but I'm not that keen on the ABUK cover and much prefer teh ABUS one, so will probably get that. ;)

yeah I also prefer US cover but this cost me £6 last summer so cant complain.

Demoncrat 22nd February 2011 12:42 PM

wheeeeee ahem
Finally got THE OLD DARK HOUSE (WHALE) today, happy happy joy joy...who remembers the horror night on bbc2 where a latex masked "host" showed this and Bride of Frankenstein?? lost my tape a while back...

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 01:35 PM

The Old Dark House is a brilliant film, probably the very first horror-comedy.

This morning, the postman brought the BD of I Spit on Your Grave: Unrated which had been sent from the US some weeks ago. It'll be interesting to watch that and compare it to the cut down UK version.

JoeTerror 22nd February 2011 02:58 PM

I wasn't to thrilled with the "Hole" but....

Also, for you guys whom commented on my post about "Let Me In', you were right, a bit disappointing! BUT, it had some better moments then the original, and vice versa. I liked the end in the original much better. Anyway, it was oen of the better remakes that's for sure!

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 04:44 PM

wow first person I seen not like The Hole

Sargento 22nd February 2011 08:39 PM

I wasn't THAT keen Nek to be honest ... hence my Blu up for trade at the moment. Don't get me wrong, it was ... well ... OK, but not at all what I had been lead to believe.

bdc 22nd February 2011 08:41 PM

Isn't the UK bd of Hellraiser oop?

oaxaca 22nd February 2011 08:58 PM

Quite possibly...It's out of stock on anyways. Why would Anchor Bay stop printing a title like Hellraiser I wonder. I'd have though its one of the most renowned horror films out.

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 09:01 PM

Hellraiser will be 25 years old next year... I smell a 25th Anniversary Edition scam.

the blob 22nd February 2011 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 130422)
Hellraiser will be 25 years old next year... I smell a 25th Anniversary Edition scam.

Quite possibly. Maybe a Blu Puzzle Box? :eyebrows:

I bought the UK one ages ago for less than a fiver from Amazon. I don't mind the cover. It's kind of the traditional Hellraiser sleeve now.

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by the blob (Post 130427)
Quite possibly. Maybe a Blu Puzzle Box? :eyebrows:

I'd definitely be up for that! :D


Originally Posted by the blob (Post 130427)
I bought the UK one ages ago for less than a fiver from Amazon. I don't mind the cover. It's kind of the traditional Hellraiser sleeve now.

I've never been fond of that cover, even when I had the UK VHS, and then the DVD before trading them to pick up the ABUK Trilogy box set.

One thing that I don't like about it, is the photoshopped 'flash' coming from the box. It's as though pinhead's pissed that someone's booby-trapped his box, or that he's about to propose to a fellow cenobite with a big, sparkly diamond engagement ring! :lol:

the blob 22nd February 2011 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 130440)
I'd definitely be up for that! :D

I've never been fond of that cover, even when I had the UK VHS, and then the DVD before trading them to pick up the ABUK Trilogy box set.

One thing that I don't like about it, is the photoshopped 'flash' coming from the box. It's as though pinhead's pissed that someone's booby-trapped his box, or that he's about to propose to a fellow cenobite with a big, sparkly diamond engagement ring! :lol:

I'll skip the wedding reception...

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by the blob (Post 130446)
I'll skip the wedding reception...

Yeah... I don't think that would be pretty.

Would have made an entertaining Hellraiser sequel though. ;)

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 09:47 PM

They already released a puzzlebox boxset in the US which contains the blu of the first film and then the first 3 on dvd.

the blob 22nd February 2011 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 130449)
They already released a puzzlebox boxset in the US which contains the blu of the first film and then the first 3 on dvd.

Hopefully the UK can go one better. I really like Hellbound so would love that on Blu too especially.

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 22nd February 2011 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 130449)
They already released a puzzlebox boxset in the US which contains the blu of the first film and then the first 3 on dvd.

Yeah, I've seen that - looks pretty swanky.


Originally Posted by the blob (Post 130452)
Hopefully the UK can go one better. I really like Hellbound so would love that on Blu too especially.

Agreed - I'm a huge fan of Hellbound, it definitely deserves a decent HD release too.

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 10:02 PM

Yeah Hellbound was good.
Barker was involved so had to be good.

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sargento (Post 130410)
I wasn't THAT keen Nek to be honest ... hence my Blu up for trade at the moment. Don't get me wrong, it was ... well ... OK, but not at all what I had been lead to believe.

oh come on :lol:
it was a fun ride
it was meant to be a kids horror movie after all and based on that fact it was pretty damn good for a kids movie. Much much much better then half of the teen horror coming out of hollywood these days.

oaxaca 22nd February 2011 10:06 PM

Thought I'd get this too seeing as its payday:
Shame it didn't have this artwork though:

Oh and anyone after a copy of PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK for £5 then pop over to the cex website now! (wish I knew about this earlier as I bought it this morning for £8 from doh :p)

oaxaca 22nd February 2011 10:08 PM

Anyone seen Clive Barker's Book of Blood?? Anyone recommend it?

nekromantik 22nd February 2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by oaxaca (Post 130463)
Anyone seen Clive Barker's Book of Blood?? Anyone recommend it?

its ok to be honest. Nothing too good.
I payed like £7 for the blu for some reason lol dont know why.
The first half of the movie is pretty good with the haunting section but then the end is kinda meh.

brain dead 23rd February 2011 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 130449)
They already released a puzzlebox boxset in the US which contains the blu of the first film and then the first 3 on dvd.

It's actually just the blu and the first 2 movies on DVD.
The box itself looks pretty cool, but I don't like the way the discs are held. The edges just slide into a tight slot.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 23rd February 2011 11:04 AM

The Dirty Harry Collection, that I ordered from Sainsburys online yesterday for the grand sum of £13.99, has been shipped so bang goes my effo effort to cut down on buying films and TV shows so I can make headway through the pile of unwatched discs!

Sargento 23rd February 2011 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 130461)
oh come on :lol:
it was a fun ride
it was meant to be a kids horror movie after all and based on that fact it was pretty damn good for a kids movie. Much much much better then half of the teen horror coming out of hollywood these days.

Yep Nek .. fully agree with everything there .. but kinda didn't float my boat too much. Maybe another viewing is in order.

oaxaca 23rd February 2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 130508)
The Dirty Harry Collection, that I ordered from Sainsburys online yesterday for the grand sum of £13.99, has been shipped so bang goes my effo effort to cut down on buying films and TV shows so I can make headway through the pile of unwatched discs!

I have a very similar problem !:nod:

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