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Nosferatu@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 437832)
I too rate Jason X. It's a real curve ball of a film. Plus any film where Cronenberg gets some of his own medicine can't be bad.

As far as Elm Street goes. To me they are all rubbish, yet strangely i enjoyed the remake. I'll get my coat. :o

I quite like Jason X – it sets the bar quite low but does exactly what it sets out to do.

I can take or leave most of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, but really like the first, third and New Nightmare. As far as I'm concerned, the first is one of the best slasher films of the 80s, and a terrific horror film from any era.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs (Post 437833)
You're banished to the cloakroom for all eternity.

...along with that Rik fella who I understand likes it too. ;)

Does that mean Demdike is in the closet, along with Rik?

Demdike@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 437834)
I quite like Jason X – it sets the bar quite low but does exactly what it sets out to do.

I can take or leave most of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, but really like the first, third and New Nightmare. As far as I'm concerned, the first is one of the best slasher films of the 80s, and a terrific horror film from any era.

I've only seen New Nightmare once. Many, many moons ago. I thought it was really boring. I understand it took the series into new ground and many rate it highly but i've never fancied re-visiting it.

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 06:52 PM

I enjoyed New Nightmare. Other than the original, it's the only Elm Street film I can stomach... the rest are just terrible.

Gold6082 2nd March 2015 06:56 PM

I could never warm to the Friday the 13th films in general. I did enjoy part 2 and 3 I think I enjoyed part 2 over the original. The elm street films don't do much for me I did enjoy part 4 as random as that is. I wouldn't wish the remake of the original on my worst foe. Hellraiser I loved parts 1-3 and part 6. It's genuinely interesting how different members view different entries to different franchises.

Demdike@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 06:56 PM

Just going back to the Saw franchise.

Other than the Final Destination series it's the only decent gory horror franchise that's hit cinema this century.

The Wrong Turn films are still going strong but correct me if i'm wrong, they all went DTV after the initial installment.

Demdike@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gold6082 (Post 437838)
. Hellraiser I loved parts 1-3 and part 6. It's genuinely interesting how different members view different entries to different franchises.

I like all the Hellraiser films. Although i still haven't seen the Bradley-less installment.

I've now got my coat and am searching in the closet for my hat and scarf. :lol:

Rik 2nd March 2015 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 437840)
I like all the Hellraiser films. Although i still haven't seen the Bradley-less installment.

I've now got my coat and am searching in the closet for my hat and scarf. :lol:

I'll join you, because I like all of them, including the Bradley-less one :nod:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 437840)
I've now got my coat and am searching in the closet for my hat and scarf. :lol:

Are you preparing to come out of the closet?

Demdike@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 437847)
Are you preparing to come out of the closet?

It's doubtful.

The more ropy films i admit to liking i think i'll be moving in with the mice at the very back of the closet underneath those old shoes of Rik's.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 437839)
Other than the Final Destination series it's the only decent gory horror franchise that's hit cinema this century.

I'm not sure exactly why, whether it's the slight silliness, knowing nature of the films or the 'mousetrap' (does anyone remember that boardgame?) setups, but I find the Final Destination films to be eminently watchable.

It's as if the directors say "we are going to kill people in very nasty ways – it's up to you to guess who and how before it happens", which I think is good fun, albeit in a very macabre way.

trebor8273 2nd March 2015 07:23 PM

Two golden oldies

High noon 9/10

The quiet man 10/10

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:26 PM

I agree that the FD films are generally very 'watchable'.

As for Hellraiser, I'm a sucker for anything to do with Pinhead and the Cenobites (it must be all the chains and leather bondage gear ;)) so I do tend to enjoy the films more than most... however, I didn't like Hellworld at all (just felt like a 'slasher' featuring Pinhead) and haven't checked out the Bradley-less film yet... and my previous statement aside, I'm not sure whether I really want to either.

Vampix 2nd March 2015 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Vipp (Post 437817)
I have been on a Netflix binge again. :(

Mr Brooks - K.Costner
Guy's i really enjoyed this movie, i have been told a few times by people that it was 'okay' so never gave it the time of day, I thought the movie had a refreshing way of showing mental illness and the flow of the movie wasn;t interupted by Costner taling out to his counterpart whilst in the room with other people. if you haven't seen this film and enjoy movies with a nice steady pace that wrap up at the end give it some of your limted earth minutes. :)

I saw Mr Brooks on Netflix too, and thought it was good. :nod:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 437850)
It's doubtful.

The more ropy films i admit to liking i think i'll be moving in with the mice at the very back of the closet underneath those old shoes of Rik's.

Mentioning no names, but your favourite films don't (at least as far as I can remember) include Ice Cool, Grease 2, Chasing Liberty or A Walk to Remember!

Demdike@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 437859)
Mentioning no names, but your favourite films don't (at least as far as I can remember) include Ice Cool, Grease 2, Chasing Liberty or A Walk to Remember!

Oh no!! Definitely not.

That person has a whole department store of coats to pick up from the closet.

Gold6082 2nd March 2015 07:54 PM

Mr brooks is fantastic and not seen by as many as deserved.

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Vampix (Post 437856)
I saw Mr Brooks on Netflix too, and thought it was good. :nod:

Mr Brooks was great.Is it out on Blu?

Watched FURY on Saturday night and thought it was excellent!

Annabelle-So so,but found it more entertaining than The Conjuring!

Stephen@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 437864)
Oh no!! Definitely not.

That person has a whole department store of coats to pick up from the closet.

I actually don't find that remark in the least bit funny.

trebor8273 2nd March 2015 08:10 PM

Star Trek the wrath of Khan

Watching the orginal cast Star Trek movies in respect to the late great Lenord Nimoy, who touched my life as a child and as an adult as Spock, a wonderful human being that I had the pleasure of meeting twice.

For me the best of the orginal cast movies, gave the slow motion picture a miss as I ddont want to fall asleep. No embarresed to say I was in tears at the end. 9.5/10

Demdike@Cult Labs 2nd March 2015 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs (Post 437870)
I actually don't find that remark in the least bit funny.

My apologies. No offence was meant. Just a play on the 'I'll get my coat' reference from earlier posts for liking films others don't. :)

keirarts 3rd March 2015 07:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 158185

Once the Italian film industry imploded, Bruno Mattai (here as 'vincent dawn') moved to the Philippines and continued making crappy but entertaining films. Here he continues his zombie films (from zombie 3, hell of the living dead) and has a crew of a boat get stranded on a remote island full of Spanish gold and zombies. It's under some kind of supernatural curse and the crew must find a way to escape before becoming lunch.
Make no mistake this is a terrible, terrible piece of s&^%. However, like a lot of Bruno's films its actually quite a lot of fun. Terrible dialogue, laughable acting, awful dubbing and genuinely bizarre scenes that make you wonder if someone was spiking the directors food with psychotropic drugs. It has a TV soap opera feel to how its filmed and large portions of the film seem to be the bemused cast wandering around discharging firearms. Still, worth a look if you can handle this kind of crap. :pop2:

Frankie Teardrop 3rd March 2015 10:34 AM

ENEMY - J Gyllenhaal obsesses over his own double in a waking nightmare courtesy of director Denis Villeneuve. Pretty excellent, I thought, and definitely quite an interesting move after the equally great 'Prisoners'. For whilst the latter was essentially 'just' a thriller, albeit one with a very dense, dark atmosphere, 'Enemy' plays like something from the pen of Roland Topor (in fact, it was based on a novel by someone else which I'm now going to have to track down). 'Enemy' has a detached, subdued quality, and tends to simmer with quiet menace rather than blast its audience with anything too obvious. There are incursions into overt surrealism however, with recurring spider motifs and intimations of some kind of underground sect veering towards the slightly more shrill side of things. All this doesn't upset the tone, and 'Enemy', which seems destined to attract possibly somewhat lazy comparisons to Lynch and Polanski et al, remains eerily baffling in its insistent strangeness. If it seems unresolved, it also feels too cryptic to be loose - and in fact the director suggests a very specific reading which makes sense of the film from a narrative point of view. Recommended.

FRANKENSTEIN VERSUS THE MUMMY - From that dude who did 'All Hallow's Eve'. 'All Hallow's Eve' was a real mess of a film, an anthology of stupidity which nonetheless satisfied with lashings of random weirdness and gore. I was frankly hoping for a similar approach here, but FVsM doesn't quite deliver. It is overlong, and flatly directed, with a straightforwardness that grates. This contrasts with some of its other qualities, for example, the kind of unabashed dumbness at the heart of AHE is resplendent here, and how could it not be? A plodding seriousness amplifies the stupidity - there's no humour or verve, which I for one applaud. Acting is perfunctory (apart from the Frankenstein monster, I actually dug what that guy was doing). Pacing meh. Style? There is no style, FVsM is styleless. Those hoping for an epic battle between the two famed beasts will feel cheated, as the fight doesn't kick in till the last five minutes, and is massively underwhelming when it does. There's a reasonable amount of gore throughout, but really this should've been ramped up a bit, as, beyond the WTF factor of its premise and the glum buffoonery of its execution, splatter and fx are pretty much all FVsM has going for it. Is that enough for a recommendation? Not really, but if you liked 'All Hallows Eve' for the same reasons I did, you might want to pay 'Frankenstein Vs The Mummy' a visit - you'll probably be only a bit disappointed.

gag 3rd March 2015 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop (Post 437924)
ENEMY - J Gyllenhaal obsesses over his own double in a waking nightmare courtesy of director Denis Villeneuve. Pretty excellent, I thought, and definitely quite an interesting move after the equally great 'Prisoners'. For whilst the latter was essentially 'just' a thriller, albeit one with a very dense, dark atmosphere, 'Enemy' plays like something from the pen of Roland Topor (in fact, it was based on a novel by someone else which I'm now going to have to track down). 'Enemy' has a detached, subdued quality, and tends to simmer with quiet menace rather than blast its audience with anything too obvious. There are incursions into overt surrealism however, with recurring spider motifs and intimations of some kind of underground sect veering towards the slightly more shrill side of things. All this doesn't upset the tone, and 'Enemy', which seems destined to attract possibly somewhat lazy comparisons to Lynch and Polanski et al, remains eerily baffling in its insistent strangeness. If it seems unresolved, it also feels too cryptic to be loose - and in fact the director suggests a very specific reading which makes sense of the film from a narrative point of view. Recommended.

FRANKENSTEIN VERSUS THE MUMMY - From that dude who did 'All Hallow's Eve'. 'All Hallow's Eve' was a real mess of a film, an anthology of stupidity which nonetheless satisfied with lashings of random weirdness and gore. I was frankly hoping for a similar approach here, but FVsM doesn't quite deliver. It is overlong, and flatly directed, with a straightforwardness that grates. This contrasts with some of its other qualities, for example, the kind of unabashed dumbness at the heart of AHE is resplendent here, and how could it not be? A plodding seriousness amplifies the stupidity - there's no humour or verve, which I for one applaud. Acting is perfunctory (apart from the Frankenstein monster, I actually dug what that guy was doing). Pacing meh. Style? There is no style, FVsM is styleless. Those hoping for an epic battle between the two famed beasts will feel cheated, as the fight doesn't kick in till the last five minutes, and is massively underwhelming when it does. There's a reasonable amount of gore throughout, but really this should've been ramped up a bit, as, beyond the WTF factor of its premise and the glum buffoonery of its execution, splatter and fx are pretty much all FVsM has going for it. Is that enough for a recommendation? Not really, but if you liked 'All Hallows Eve' for the same reasons I did, you might want to pay 'Frankenstein Vs The Mummy' a visit - you'll probably be only a bit disappointed.

yes, Me and a friend fancied FvsM but he watched it before me and said not to bother wasnt very good.

Demoncrat 3rd March 2015 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 437772)
Hvae you seen tv series of lock stock ?
I thought it was pretty decent for a spin of show.

I thought it was pond scum :lol:

gag 3rd March 2015 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Demoncrat (Post 437947)
I thought it was pond scum :lol:

Ah well each to their own.

keirarts 3rd March 2015 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Demoncrat (Post 437947)
I thought it was pond scum :lol:

I thought I was pond scum. Women keep insisting I am!

wongfeihung62 3rd March 2015 09:03 PM

Just been to see IT FOLLOWS and really liked it. Without giving anything away. Imagine if John Carpenter teamed up with Hideo Nakata and decided to make a retro horror movie, it could be something like this.

monkeyscreams 3rd March 2015 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by wongfeihung62 (Post 438005)
Just been to see IT FOLLOWS and really liked it. Without giving anything away. Imagine if John Carpenter teamed up with Hideo Nakata and decided to make a retro horror movie, it could be something like this.

I liked it too. The opening shot feels like you are in Haddonfield. Also the electronic score (which is great).

Hawkmonger 3rd March 2015 09:26 PM

Re-watched two Argento classics in Tenebrae and Opera. :popcorn:

Sitting down to watch good ol' Starship Troopers right now.:clap:

Frankenhooker 3rd March 2015 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Hawkmonger (Post 438008)
Re-watched two Argento classics in Tenebrae and Opera. [emoji14]opcorn:

Sitting down to watch good ol' Starship Troopers right now.:clap:

Man, I love Starship Troopers, I might give that a whirl myself.

keirarts 4th March 2015 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by wongfeihung62 (Post 438005)
Just been to see IT FOLLOWS and really liked it. Without giving anything away. Imagine if John Carpenter teamed up with Hideo Nakata and decided to make a retro horror movie, it could be something like this.

And guess whose VUE is not screening it in order to keep 50 shades of domestic abuse on multiple screens. :mmph:

Demoncrat 4th March 2015 01:46 PM

Watched a right pile of tosh called Girl House. Slasher. Imo Girl Band are scarier :laugh:

Make Them Die Slowly 4th March 2015 10:07 PM

WOLFCOP. This should have been great with it's mix of guns, werewolves, biker gangs, Satanists and sex but sadly I found myself clock watching during the first half and slightly embarrassed for all involved in the second half. Still, starting the transformation scene from the penis was a stroke of genius no matter what I thought of the rest of the film.

Nordicdusk 4th March 2015 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 438139)
Still, starting the transformation scene from the penis was a stroke of genius no matter what I thought of the rest of the film.


Frankie Teardrop 4th March 2015 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 438139)
WOLFCOP. This should have been great with it's mix of guns, werewolves, biker gangs, Satanists and sex but sadly I found myself clock watching during the first half and slightly embarrassed for all involved in the second half. Still, starting the transformation scene from the penis was a stroke of genius no matter what I thought of the rest of the film.

Felt exactly the same way about it. Even though I don't like broad comedy-horror, I tried to give it some leeway, but in the end just couldn't make it work for me.

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th March 2015 11:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The Guest (2014)

Excellent genre bending thriller about a discharged soldier who visits the family of a dead comrade.

The Guest is one of those films where every other scene you feel like you've seen it before somewhere else. It was as if the best bits had been pilfered from high school movies, 80's action hero films, plus the obvious take on Kazan's The Visitors.

Probably the most surprising thing was the way it all worked out despite the nagging feelings of deja-vu. Film after film seemed to segue into one another and it all worked brilliantly to create a tense, funny, exciting and thoroughly entertaining thrill ride. Full of likable characters and boasting a great 80's synth soundtrack too. Mercifully without a single beat from Tangerine Dream.

Highly recommended.

Nordicdusk 4th March 2015 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 438153)
The Guest (2014)

Excellent genre bending thriller about a discharged soldier who visits the family of a dead comrade.

The Guest is one of those films where every other scene you feel like you've seen it before somewhere else. It was as if the best bits had been pilfered from high school movies, 80's action hero films, plus the obvious take on Kazan's The Visitors.

Probably the most surprising thing was the way it all worked out despite the nagging feelings of deja-vu. Film after film seemed to segue into one another and it all worked brilliantly to create a tense, funny, exciting and thoroughly entertaining thrill ride. Full of likable characters and boasting a great 80's synth soundtrack too. Mercifully without a single beat from Tangerine Dream.

Highly recommended.

Glad i picked this up earlier in the week roll on the weekend and i give it watch.

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th March 2015 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Nordicdusk (Post 438158)
Glad i picked this up earlier in the week roll on the weekend and i give it watch.

I hope you like it.

Dave Boy 5th March 2015 09:21 AM

In order to prove their bravery and maybe win the hand of a girl on her 21st birthday, three men have a challenge. Each to spend a night in the blue room of the big house. The blue room has been locked for many years as two deaths occured there and remain unexplained. Is there a ghost up there....?

Old dark house mystery from Universal that maybe some have never even heard of. Clocking in at just over an hour, this is an atmospheric and fun murder mystery.

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